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  1. AjSucksAtMC

    Gaming AjSucksAtMC

    Thanks for the friendly comment! best of luck on your youtube!
  2. AjSucksAtMC

    Solved Please explain me this

    Hello, i see your mad because he got accepted for copyright as it would be copyrighted and had a strike so it must have been the creator gave permission to him and if you open a ticket it should be answered in the next few weeks Thanks -AjSucksAtMC
  3. AjSucksAtMC

    Solved 11 days no help on support

    Hello, I see you have had along time with out support as the staff team may be caught up behind or there is a problem with the thread. Thanks AjSucksAtMC
  4. AjSucksAtMC

    Solved Glitch

    Hello, i see you have issues with partnering please reapply for it. it may just be you never appiled or it got rejected Thanks -AjSucksAtMC
  5. AjSucksAtMC

    Gaming Freedom!!!!!!!!!! Hello ShortbyNature

    Hello, welcome to the awesome network make sure to check out my channel
  6. AjSucksAtMC

    Gaming AjSucksAtMC

    Hello im ajsucksatmc i like mc but i suck at it i love youtube im partnered with freedom its a awesome network to find people to colab my channel: AjSucksAtMC and again thank you to freedom i would like if it had free gameplay! Thanks for reading my thread!
  7. AjSucksAtMC

    Solved I don't have my Partner tag!

    Hello, I'm a Freedom Member and I'm Partnered with Freedom and I don't have my tag
  8. AjSucksAtMC

    Gaming Minecraft SG Colab

    [PC Collaboration] Looking to Play Minecraft Survival Games with a group of two.