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  1. Andrew Rothman

    Gaming Hello! My name is Andrew and I have a gaming channel: Rothenium

    Nice, man!! Oh, that sucks! I was really enjoying TNC but I feel the gameplay is not as fluid because of large difficulty fluctuations. Story is insane though. Definitely worth picking up!
  2. Andrew Rothman

    Upload Milestone 40 videos

    Congrats!! Remember to stay consistent!! Awesome work!
  3. Andrew Rothman

    YouTube Views Milestone Reached 5K Views

    Congratulations, man!! you'll be getting to 300 subs in no time!!
  4. Andrew Rothman

    Forum Milestone 130 posts

    Strange milestone but congratulations, man!!!
  5. Andrew Rothman

    Subscriber Milestone 9 subs

    Congratulations, man!!
  6. Andrew Rothman

    YouTube Views Milestone Colonoscopy animation with 4,354 views!

    Congratulations!! Very informative without being too graphic!!
  7. Andrew Rothman

    Gaming Hello! My name is Andrew and I have a gaming channel: Rothenium

    It really depends on what you want to record. If it's a console, you will need a capture card. If it's on PC you can use OBS or Xsplit to record if your computer can handle it. Awesome, man! I was put off a bit from wolfenstein TNC because of the large fluctuations in difficulty but I do want...
  8. Andrew Rothman

    Gaming Hello! My name is Andrew and I have a gaming channel: Rothenium

    Hi!!! Thanks, man!!! Yeah, totally! I'm almost done with Mario Odyssey (best game of the year IMO) and trying to pick up weird indie games to mix it up a bit. Not sure as to what I'm picking next but have my eye on Hollow Knight! How about you? I'll check out your channel, man! Thanks, man! I...
  9. Andrew Rothman

    Gaming Hello! My name is Andrew and I have a gaming channel: Rothenium

    Hello, everybody! My name is Andrew and I created my channel few months ago and have been consistently uploading for over 2 months. I upload comedy and gaming videos daily and really love creating content and getting to know other youtubers with similar interests. I have pretty good knowledge...