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  1. xScarlife Gaming

    News New mobile gaming channel!

    Hello there TragiXGaming and welcome to the Freedom forum! Its great that you have put your youtube link so people can check it out. However, you can actually add a button so people can see it from there without clicking a link or something. You can learn it to set up by following this post...
  2. xScarlife Gaming

    Gaming Hi xXAkirawind0Xx Here

    Hello there xXAkirawind0Xx, welcome to the Freedom forum. I actually have the same issue with finding a job, its hard these days... But anyways, if you have any questions feel free to ask them in the chat or make a forum post. (y) (Y)
  3. xScarlife Gaming

    Gaming Hey My Name is ItsCryptic!

    Hello there, welcome to the Freedom forum!
  4. xScarlife Gaming

    Subscriber Milestone 200 Subscribers Goal Reached

    Well done Marsh!!! Keep it up you'll fly to that 300 subs now :D
  5. xScarlife Gaming

    Community Gaming Community

    Welcome PGO to the Freedom forum, enjoy your stay!
  6. xScarlife Gaming

    Entertainment MythicalGeek

    Hello there Dominic, welcome to the Freedom forum. Glad you love video games! :D
  7. xScarlife Gaming

    Gaming RossManGaming

    Hello Ross, welcome to the Freedom forum, enjoy your stay!
  8. xScarlife Gaming

    Gaming Hello

    Hello there TrickyAT, welcome to the Freedom forum. I have to agree with you, leave the haters alone and respect the ones that respect you. Haters gonna hate, lovers gonna love :p Anyways, if you have any questions feel free to ask them around in chat or at the forums though. (y) (Y)
  9. xScarlife Gaming

    How To My name is DBogdan

    Hey there DBogdan welcome to the Freedom forum, to answer your question about having more foreign languages, i agree with @Ada Horror, you should do it to indeed, increase viewers and subs (y) (Y) Have a nice day!!
  10. xScarlife Gaming

    Comedy Hello guys! XD

    Hey there, welcome to the Freedom forum, enjoy your stay here. (y) (Y)
  11. xScarlife Gaming

    Gaming Hello! I'm Miizu!

    Hello xMiizux to the Freedom forum, enjoy your stay. ;)
  12. xScarlife Gaming

    Gaming PatrickL Introduction :>

    Hello Patrick, welcome to the Freedom forum, enjoy your stay. If you have any questions feel free to ask them around in the chat or make a new forum post. (y) (Y)
  13. xScarlife Gaming

    Gaming My Channel go check me out!!

    Welcome to the Freedom forum, Yankee Davine! Enjoy your stay, if you have any questions feel free to ask them in the chat or open a new threat at the correct forum page. (y) (Y)
  14. xScarlife Gaming

    Gaming FatalMango: PC Gaming

    Hello Joey welcome to the Freedom forums, enjoy your stay. I strongly suggest you to put your youtube channel button so that people can easily check out you channel and hopefully subscribe as well. (y) (Y)
  15. xScarlife Gaming

    Tech Welcome to the TechGuys! (Gaming and Tech)

    Hello there TechGuyYT and welcome to the Freedom forum. I like the fact that you are a computer enthusiast! Good luck on your youtube journey!
  16. xScarlife Gaming

    Entertainment introduction to my channel and myself

    Hey there, welcome at the Freedom forums. I'm glad that you started out with a youtube channel and that your dad will help you to make it even more awesome. Good luck with your youtube journey!
  17. xScarlife Gaming

    Comedy Whats Up Guys UriBooty Here

    Hello Uri, welcome to the Freedom forums, enjoy your stay! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the chat as well.
  18. xScarlife Gaming

    Community Introducing LakeyWargames! :)

    Hello Alex, nice to meet you. Welcome to the Freedom forum, enjoy your stay!
  19. xScarlife Gaming

    Entertainment Inspirational Start

    Hello and welcome to the forums, iMotivate You! I'll take a look at your channel.
  20. xScarlife Gaming

    Gaming Hello FREEDOM!

    Hello and welcome to the forums, Beast :P