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  1. AceX Gaming

    Service Ill review your channel and give feedback :)

    a 8/10 your thumbnails are good and your channel looks neat and tidy (thats good). Your doing great so keep doing what your doing i enjoyed you vid. one thing i will say is dont do what you did at the start of ur latest video that was 1 min of me wanting to click off coz its so boring man...
  2. AceX Gaming

    Service Ill review your channel and give feedback :)

    Alright so ima give you a 7/10. you need to try change the thumbnails a little because they are over repetitive but that's because they are all in the series which i understand but try mix it up a little every time. Also you really need to get a mic and talk over your gameplay man it would be so...
  3. AceX Gaming

    Service Ill review your channel and give feedback :)

    Hey guys ima review your channel and give you all the honest feedback you need :) You don't have to check mine out in return but its highly appreciated since i just started youtube aswell.
  4. AceX Gaming

    Gaming Hey guys :) im AceX

    Cheers man you 2 :)
  5. AceX Gaming

    Gaming Hey guys :) im AceX

    My goal is 1k subs man that would be insane and i found freedom by actually i have no idea hahahaha it just popped up and i was like why not and i'm so happy i did coz its amazing with lots of amazing people with the same goals and interests.
  6. AceX Gaming

    Gaming Hey guys :) im AceX

    Hey my names Ace im 16 and live in australia. I started my channel like 2 weeks ago. I mainly play WoW, H1Z1 and league of legends but i am down to play any game with anyone if its fun. Since i'm new i only have 9 subscribers but that will grow over time if you want to play sometime let me know...
  7. AceX Gaming

    PC Starting A Team (MC, Rocket League, CSGO, and more)

    Yo What i wanna be called : Ace Age : 16 Youtube : AceX Gaming (couldnt link url some reason) Skype . ace.kabaskie I play little csgo but im not that good but im down for some minecraft then and there so if your down just chuck me an inbox :)
  8. AceX Gaming

    Gaming Hey guys anyone for H1Z1 Collabs ?? :)

    Hey yall i need to start making H1Z1 vids since i love the game. We will be playing h1z1 king of the hill because its more pvp more fun and a lot of funny content can be made from the one video. Who ever wants to join will be mentioned in the video and we can keep making content together and...
  9. AceX Gaming

    VLOG New Vlogger! Colab??

    Amazing editing skills xD