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  1. MDavisTV

    Gaming Hey!

    I play mostly on the PS4 from Call of Duty, Rainbow Six Siege as well as gta as well as other major games, you can see them on my channel here I have played every Call of Duty since the original COD4 but I currently play only the newest...
  2. MDavisTV

    Gaming Hey!

    I play mostly Rainbow Six Siege and Call of duty
  3. MDavisTV


    Hopefully you guys enjoy and if you do be sure to subscribe for more! Also don't be afraid to give some criticism that I can improve on in this thread!
  4. MDavisTV

    PlayStation Anyone need a collaboration?

    I am down for any sort of collaboration either a podcast or for gaming videos. My twitter is @MDavissTV where you can contact me or on here!
  5. MDavisTV

    Gaming Greatest clutch in MWR?!

    One of my latest videos and one of my favorites! If you enjoy be sure to subscribe and like, as well as any creative criticism for my video and what I should add to it?
  6. MDavisTV

    Gaming Hey!

    Hey guys! I currently upload gaming videos with vlogs here and there glad I joined you guys!
  7. MDavisTV

    Gaming Creative Criticism appreciated!

    First time posting a link to a thread but I am looking at ways to make my videos better and this is one of my newest hope you enjoy!
  8. MDavisTV

    YouTube You can be on the Trending page?!

    awesome! I didn't know that