Search results

  1. Mythoclast

    Best Legend of Zelda Game?

    I think Ocarina of Time is the best, coming up behind it has to be Majoras Mask. They were really iconic and overall kept you playing for hours on end! my childhood right there.
  2. Mythoclast

    Gaming PC Collab Group

    Hey guys, I'm a casual gamer and an adept video editor. I'm looking for 1-5 people that can make a couple videos a week. I was thinking that we could have fun events like a Friday special video, where there's a theme and other fun stuff. We can always work out and plan in more detail after I...
  3. Mythoclast

    Subscriber Milestone 70 Subs & 12k Views!

    Just hit 70 subs along with 12,000 views! Very excited, Sub count could be better but I'm very happy with my view count!
  4. Mythoclast

    Free logo and channel art!

    Just put together a logo and channel art for those users who haven't come across to making one yet. it's not the best, but it's better than anything. Enjoy <3 Logo: Channel Art: PSD Download...
  5. Mythoclast

    Comedy Small gamer and comical dude

    Hey guys, My name is David and I've just recently got into YouTube. I enjoy making videos, making people laugh, and informing people of things they may not know! My channel features a variety of games, funny videos, and sometimes actual information videos! x'D Overall I really enjoy being apart...
  6. Mythoclast

    Gaming Lionark Bukkit SMP! Recruiting YouTubers/Streamers!

    YouTube channel link: Other Links(if any): Minecraft Username: Mythoclastic Age: 18 Skype: Mytho.dl Why do you want to join? I would like to add more videos to my channel, and start collaborating with other members on various games. Seems...
  7. Mythoclast

    Solved Leaving Freedom

    At least Freeedom lets you leave at your own free will lol. Other networks will claim you for 1-3 years. Don't even complain about the month wait and maybe just make some videos for fun in the meantime. Immature.