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  1. Speedyfighter

    Gaming Hello world.

    Hey ItsReborn welcome to the freedom forums! Keep up the good work! Check out my channel too and let me know what you think :D
  2. Speedyfighter

    Gaming Youtube Channel

    @The Noob Thanks bud! I appreciate the kind words! Keep up the good work :)
  3. Speedyfighter

    Gaming Youtube Channel

    Hey The Noob welcome to the freedom forums! Keep up the good work! Check out my channel too and let me know what you think :D
  4. Speedyfighter

    Gaming Hi I am TIYCaptain!

    @Cameron White I like your content bud! I subscribed, subscribe to my channel if you enjoyed what you saw :D
  5. Speedyfighter

    Gaming Hi I am TIYCaptain!

    Welcome to Freedom Captain! I like your channel so far bud! Check out my channel and subscribe if you like what you see! :D
  6. Speedyfighter

    Gaming Lokiie! New to Youtube!

    Welcome to Freedom Lokiie! I like your channel so far bud! Check out my channel and subscribe if you like what you see! :D
  7. Speedyfighter

    Gaming Hello Everyone!!

    Welcome to Freedom Whitefang! I like your channel so far bud! I subscribed, check out my channel and let me know what you think!
  8. Speedyfighter

    Gaming New YouTube channel and a little about me & Youtube

    Welcome to Freedom! I like your channel so far bud! I subscribed, check out my channel and let me know what you think! :D
  9. Speedyfighter

    GFX Welcome Im a YT Graphic Designer

    Hey Jetzy welcome to Freedom! I am actually looking for someone to make me a new intro and a channel banner! If you could help me out with that I would appreciate and I would subscribe and give you a shoutout of course! :D
  10. Speedyfighter

    Gaming Hi Freedom I am new to this site! :)

    @Goped Fred No one ever has enough money apparently lol :p @Mr2Guns Thanks man! I will definitely come to you if I need any help!
  11. Speedyfighter

    Gaming Hi Freedom I am new to this site! :)

    @Voxesto Thanks a lot bud! :) @Goped Fred Haha yeah that is the dream man! But it all comes down to the money the companies want to spend!
  12. Speedyfighter

    Gaming Hi Freedom I am new to this site! :)

    Yeah exactly there are definitely benefits to having both systems. It is too bad Xbox does not get the DLC first like they used too!
  13. Speedyfighter

    Gaming Hi Freedom I am new to this site! :)

    Haha yeah you got that right I play xbox, wii u and pc right now! Though I will buy a PS4 down the line because I want to play Uncharted and Street Fighter 5. Do you have PS4?
  14. Speedyfighter

    Gaming Hi Freedom I am new to this site! :)

    Thanks everyone for the positive words I really appreciate it! :)
  15. Speedyfighter

    Gaming Hi Freedom I am new to this site! :)

    @Goped Fred I know what you mean man! COD 2 and COD 4 were the games that got me hooked on the Call of Duty series, but I also used to love Halo and Gears of War. I can not wait to play and make videos of the Gears of War 4 Beta!!
  16. Speedyfighter

    Gaming Hi Freedom I am new to this site! :)

    Thanks everyone for the welcome! :) @Goped Fred I would say Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were my first games that got me into shooters, also Halo Combat Evolved for the PC and Halo 2 for the Xbox! Yeah I am an old fart :p What shooters got you into the genre??
  17. Speedyfighter

    Gaming Hi Freedom I am new to this site! :)

    Thanks a lot bud! I found freedom because a youtuber made a video talking about ways to get your content out there to the masses and they linked this forum in their description! :) I am loving Black Ops 3 overall, definitely some issues but all games have that. It is my favourite Call of Duty...
  18. Speedyfighter

    Gaming Hi Freedom I am new to this site! :)

    Hey everyone! So I am new to this site, but I definitely am loving the forums. I just started up a Youtube channel less than a week ago, but I have put a lot of time learning how to edit, create thumbnails among other things so hopefully the quality of my videos are good to all of you! :) Here...
  19. Speedyfighter

    Gaming Hi

    Welcome to Freedom bud!
  20. Speedyfighter

    Gaming Hey up everybody!

    Welcome to Freedom bud! Keep up the good work!!