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  1. Fatalshock

    Gaming Back in a big way

    Thanks a lot dude. Wow! 600 subs? You're rocking it :)
  2. Fatalshock

    Entertainment Movie and Game ReviewsReviews

    There you go dude. Easy as that :)
  3. Fatalshock

    Gaming Back to Youtube, Cannot stay away!

    I was never any good at the Destiny multiplayer. I'm generally awful at competitive games, but that one.. whew* But yeah, I can't wait to see what kind of content you come out with :)
  4. Fatalshock

    Entertainment Movie and Game ReviewsReviews

    There should be the option in your profile settings bud :)
  5. Fatalshock

    Gaming NEW

    I think sub loss is something that you have to expect, even though it really, really hurts. I uploaded a new video the other day and within an hour lost 3 subs. Oooooh man, that hurt. We must stand strong though :) Not everyone will love your videos, and in that event it's best that you do :)
  6. Fatalshock

    Gaming Back in a big way

    Yeah, I spotted you in the other thread bud. I've already subscribed to you :) It must have been hard to start again after so many subs, but it certainly explains why your channel looks so slick yet so new:) Thanks by the way, it means a lot :)
  7. Fatalshock

    Gaming NEW

    And what about you? You look like an up and comer yourself! That's a pretty sick looking dash for a new channel! Subbed! :)
  8. Fatalshock

    Gaming NEW

    So it's true! take that South Park haters!
  9. Fatalshock

    Gaming NEW

    Hear that people? It's HIS!
  10. Fatalshock

    Gaming Back in a big way

    Thanks dude. I'm glad to be here :)
  11. Fatalshock

    Gaming NEW

    Hmmm... free software is where we differ. lol Hardware, too. My capture cards are always a sizeable investment.
  12. Fatalshock

    Gaming NEW

    And... THIS :)
  13. Fatalshock

    Gaming NEW

    That's a shame. You have decent content as far as I can tell. Keep at it :)
  14. Fatalshock

    Gaming Back to Youtube, Cannot stay away!

    You're just like me! I left for almost a year due to depression. Feels amazing to be back in the 'game' eh? Have a good luck sub :) That quad kill in the video alone was worth it alone. I can't wait to see what you do.
  15. Fatalshock

    Gaming My youtube channel named Chroma Kiwi

    Great to see new players! Welcome! I'll definitely throw a sub your way so I can watch you grow!
  16. Fatalshock

    Gaming NEW

    ... What? You've had 5000 subs in 3 weeks? Sub4sub or not, what is your secret?
  17. Fatalshock

    Gaming Back in a big way

    Thanks mate. I really appreciate that. And that is one impressive beard. I should subscribe just for that, but your just too unique looking a channel for me to resist :)
  18. Fatalshock

    Subscriber Milestone 45 SUBS

    Now you're even closer ;)