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  1. GamerTye

    Offering I can review your channel

    Hey man! I would very much appreciate some feedback on my new channel! I'm trying to reach my goal of 100 subscribers soon! (: Thanks so much!
  2. GamerTye

    Request Is my latest video and channel entertaining to you?

    Hey guys, I've recently got into you tubing but love the whole process. I've quickly come to notice that editing is a long, long process, I spent around 7 hours editing my newest video because I wanted it to be much more entertaining and represent the types of videos I'd prefer to make. If you...
  3. GamerTye

    Gaming GamerTye and Collaborations

    Hey I added you on skype as GamerTye
  4. GamerTye

    Gaming GamerTye and Collaborations

    Hey guys I right now mainly make some random gameplay videos, but have recently made a funny video with a pal of mine. I realized gaming and recording is so much more fun!!! Guys i'm looking for some fun gameplay for Minecraft, Gmod, Ark Survival Evolved, CSGO, and many more! Here is my channel...
  5. GamerTye

    Gaming Check out my video and support me ill give a return read to understand

    Hey bro, very nice and entertaining video subscribed, liked, commented on your channel! I just started and got a lot more content coming very soon, but as of now only got 2 vids but would appreciate the support as well!
  6. GamerTye

    Gaming GamerTye's Introduction! :)

    Hey how's it going everybody!? I recently started youtubing some minecraft and so far have fallen in love with the whole process of recording and editing. Right now I am making videos of minecraft, and I play many game modes, but I also soon plan to upload some more CSGO ninja defuses I have...
  7. GamerTye

    Resources Youtube Editing Tips?

    Hey everyone, I recently started youtubing and I made a decent first minecraft video, excluding the decrease of audio for a few moments, but I was wondering how do youtubers create intros with like cinematics, for example a minecraft guy, and then it shows a close up on his face, and then it...
  8. GamerTye

    Worst game you've ever played?

    Agreed, I was extremely excited when i bought Pay Day 2, but it got very dull within 30 minutes.
  9. GamerTye

    Your Favorite YouTube Gamers

    I am personally a huge fan of VanossGaming, what makes his videos stand out is the people he collaborates with, because I feel like just one of them in a video by their selves would not be very interesting to watch. They do extremely funny skits, some of it acting, but it's mainly natural and...
  10. GamerTye

    Gaming My Introduction

    Hey, I recently started youtube as well and do gaming. What all games do you play!? Over the past couple of days i've gotten a few other youtubers around my size to collaborate with and grow our gaming channels.
  11. GamerTye

    Gaming Hi!

    Hey bro, I recently just started youtubing as well! I made my first decent video the other day and currently working on a new one, so I could give pointers of what I do if you'd like, but I'm also still very small channel as of now. Anyway best of luck with your channel and I'll subscribe! :)