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  1. Bryan

    Star Wars Battlefront

    It seems like everyone that actually plays the game complains about the lack of content.
  2. Bryan

    What is your top 5 games in 2015?

    The only 2015 release game I like is NBA 2K16, so that's like my #1 xD
  3. Bryan

    Star Wars Battlefront

    I'm just gonna wait until the price drops for this game. I don't think it's worth more than $20 at the moment.
  4. Bryan

    Solved Catchup payments taking almost a YEAR?

    Same status, no specific ETA, best thing to do is to wait.
  5. Bryan

    Solved Catchup payments taking almost a YEAR?

    As I mentioned earlier, I am sorry for the inconvenience but I cannot solve the issue directly. The best thing to do is wait.
  6. Bryan

    Solved Catchup payments taking almost a YEAR?

    As I mentioned earlier, the best thing to do is wait.
  7. Bryan

    Solved So what is partnership exactly?

    The reason why you partner with a YouTube channel is so you can receive it's benefits. Benefits vary by network but common benefits are, getting your channel verified, licensing, getting help issues with your channel and YouTube. If you don't think it's worth it then you're more than welcome to...
  8. Bryan

    Solved Catchup payments taking almost a YEAR?

    Unfortunately, the forums cannot solve the issue directly. I will communicate with the other staff members about this but as of right now, the best thing to do is wait. I am truly sorry about this issue, thank you for your patience.
  9. Bryan

    Real Deal Android/iPhone

    I don't seem to get how your family members are not pleased with Android. Android as an OS isn't buggy, it's arguably as buggy as iOS. Plus Apple has it's software flaws as well. They're both great operating systems but Apple caters more towards the general public, the not so tech savvy people.
  10. Bryan

    Solved Mirillis Action!

    You can contact them by contacting the support team by opening a support ticket at
  11. Bryan

    Solved Randomly Disconnected from Freedom Partnership.

    Those "copyright issues" could have caused you to be unlinked from the network. You should open a support ticket at for help.
  12. Bryan


    Here, I got a list: The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Community Spongebob Squarepants (yes I'm serious) Good Burger Kingsman: The Secret Service Coach Carter Daredevil and a lot more I can't think of at the moment.
  13. Bryan

    Solved Randomly Disconnected from Freedom Partnership.

    Did you break YouTube's Terms of Service or had copyright material or was inactive?
  14. Bryan

    Solved Freedom revenue question.

    Depending on how many views you receive a month, you can earn up to 95% revenue share. I think you qualify, you should contact the support team if you qualify by opening a ticket at
  15. Bryan

    Solved HEEEELLLLPPPP!!!!

    Can you show me a screenshot of what you see at ?
  16. Bryan

    Solved Mirillis Action!

    You should send this to Freedom!, not the forums.
  17. Bryan

    Star Wars Battlefront

    Haha, I didn't buy Battlefront, doesn't look like it's worth $80 CAD
  18. Bryan

    Real Deal Android/iPhone

    THIS IS ALL ON PERSONAL PREFERENCE! So you have to decide which software you like better, Android or iOS. Android provides more optimization and customization and iOS gives you a clean and premium experience. But Apple products are overpriced so if you don't have a lot of money to spend...
  19. Bryan

    GTX 970 or GTX 980

    I would recommend you not to get the 970, according to what I hear from benchmarks and other users, the 970 is not efficient for it's price. So you can get a better video card with the same money you would spend on the 970
  20. Bryan

    Which Headset To Buy?

    If you want good audio quality, you should buy an external microphone. I highly recommend the Blue Snowball. As for headphones, I'd probably get some prosumer headphones like the Audio Technica M50x