Search results

  1. ItzRhys

    Subscriber Milestone JUST REACHED 75 SUBS! YESTERDAY!

    Congrats dude! I'll check out some of your stuff and if I like it, I'll sub! Also, could you please help me out in my support thread? it's the most recent one.
  2. ItzRhys

    Gaming Itz Rhys

    Hello Freedom! Family! I'm part of you now =) I've been partnered with Freedom for about 3 months now and only just decided to join the forums and I'm so glad I did! There are so many nice people here willing to help you out and I really hope we can grow together! I would really appreciate it if...
  3. ItzRhys

    Solved YouTube Subscribe Button Signatures

    Hey, I'm new to the forums and I've seen that most people have one of those cool button things where it has their picture, their name and then a subscribe button in their signature. I was wondering how I would go about getting one of those, Thanks, Rhys
  4. ItzRhys

    Gaming Hey Freedom Family! How are you? I'm Joshter!

    Welcome to the family! I'll take a look at your stuff, i'll edit this post when I've watched your videos! EDIT: Your stuff is really good, gave me some laughs, I'm pretty sure it's just a case of grinding and sharing your channel!
  5. ItzRhys

    Gaming Hi , I'm M0ralgaming

    =D I'm already loving this forum
  6. ItzRhys

    Gaming Hi , I'm M0ralgaming

    Welcome to the Freedom! Family c: I don't know if it really counts though considering I'm new xP