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  1. Ethan Wu

    Gaming Novaz Introduction to Freedom!

    Thanks Guys, We Feel Welcome
  2. Ethan Wu

    What are you listening to?

    Currently for some odd reason I'm addicted to listening to We Will Rock You
  3. Ethan Wu

    How much is too much?

    Well for my channel I do one every week on Sunday at 4:00 pm EST
  4. Ethan Wu

    How is everyone!

  5. Ethan Wu

    Anyone else really impressed with Freedom?

    My experience with forums was horrible for most Minecraft servers. In this forum people are really nice and I like that. The support Freedom! give to us is fast and helpful.
  6. Ethan Wu

    How much is too much?

    There is not a limit of video you can do. Its your choice to choose how your channel functions.
  7. Ethan Wu

    How is everyone!

    Lucky I want GTA V for my PC getting it soon though. Currently I'm playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
  8. Ethan Wu

    Solved How long does it take for a channel to be linked?

    It take me from somewhere between 1-2 days, don't worry it will happen soon. :)
  9. Ethan Wu

    Will This Gaming PC Work?

    Case- PSU- Motherboard- Processor-...
  10. Ethan Wu

    What do you guys record games with?

    I recommended Action! if you have extra $30 but OBS was what I use for most of my channel's video.
  11. Ethan Wu

    Where can I get BO3 for cheap?

    I agree I got mine from just somewhere around $30-35
  12. Ethan Wu

    In what game can you collect everything or almost everything?

    I think Minecraft cause you can collect blocks mostly all of it.
  13. Ethan Wu

    Gaming Novaz Introduction to Freedom!

    My name is Ethan and I live in United States. I am one of the members of my channel Nova Playz a.k.a Novaz. We found Freedom! from watching other youtubers and we liked the idea of having a partner, so we picked Freedom! We joined the forum in hopes that we might meet new people and have some...
  14. Ethan Wu

    What show should I watch?

    Currently I'm watching Heroes Reborn
  15. Ethan Wu

    Best recording software? Best Editing software?

    Well I think that OBS MP or OBS is the best because it doesn't cause much lag and can stream both. For my current channel I use OBS MP. For editing I use Adobe Premiere Pro, I don't know about you but I'm like Premiere Pro because its easy and familiar to me.