Search results

  1. The Sasquatch

    Gaming Nice to be here

    Im from irealnd, a little town called tuam, as you can see i like to game, but i also play my guitar and read, and i like rugby. My life goal, honestly i always wanted to act but my speech problems have always stopped me, so i deiced to follow my passion for gaming, now I would like to get to a...
  2. The Sasquatch

    Gaming Nice to be here

    got a friend here :D love the pic
  3. The Sasquatch

    Gaming Nice to be here

    Hey everyone, its pretty cool to be apart of something this big. I'm the sassquatch. I got the nickname a long time ago because I've been big most of my life. I'm 22 years old and I am currently working nights to help my mum with things. I game to relive stress and try and make new friends. I...
  4. The Sasquatch


    ya id be up a blops3 colab, my psn is Th3_Sassquatch and my skype is The Sassquatch
  5. The Sasquatch

    PlayStation Black Ops 3 (4 Man Squad TDM Only)

    ya i could do that, no prob.
  6. The Sasquatch

    PlayStation Black Ops 3 (4 Man Squad TDM Only)

    Hey noobin, i would like to try a colab with ya if you're still intrested. age: 22 Channel main topic. gaming and news, other games, i have gta 5, destiny and black ops 3 from your list, also like rocket league. subs: only 7 sadly other forms of contact, [email protected] like yours i...
  7. The Sasquatch


    Age: 22 Games you prefer to play: Black ops 3, Gta 5, mincraft, WOW, destiny, rocket league. Mic: Blue Snowball Subs: sadly only 5, only been a this a short while. Channel: Skype: The Sassquatch
  8. The Sasquatch

    Gaming PS4/PC Collaboration

    i defo be up for colabing on those games, gta v rocket league cod blops 3 on pc i only got gmod from that list. heres a link to my channel if ya want a look
  9. The Sasquatch

    PC Looking for Collaboration in Minecraft (PC)

    Hey im the sassquatch, new to all this. subs:5 age 22 I'm up for a little minecraft colab if you're still looking. channel link