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  1. Winter Psycho

    Gaming Time to introduce ourselves to the Freedom family

    Like Deathlake stated, you should consider adding a sub button! And welcome to Freedom!
  2. Winter Psycho

    New games

    I'm pretty excited for Destiny 2, the marketing has been very well done so far, combining comedy with serious aspects. Hopefully it wont be falsely advertised like nearly every other game this year.
  3. Winter Psycho

    Gaming Hey guys, I'm Winter!

    So... I don't really know how to go about introductions, so Ill just use the template that Freedom provided! Your name/alias: Well my first name is Josh, but everyone I know calls me Winter. Where are you from?: I was born and raised in Newfoundland Canada, but moved to Ontario when I was 16...
  4. Winter Psycho

    Entertainment Hi everyone! ^.^

    You're a really great artist! I was checking out some of your videos and I was pretty surprised. I used to draw really well when I was younger, but as life got in the way I lost motivation. I look forward to your future works!
  5. Winter Psycho

    Does Freedom Really Help People Grow?

    * Not sure if wrong thread area, if it is, i'm so sorry :( Hello guys, I'm Winter! Anyway, I have been getting recommendations to use freedom by a few of my mates and I decided "Hey, why not" but I'm a bit skeptical if they can really help me out. So I do self advertising on Reddit and what...