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  1. MaddyFlahertyTV

    Community Hey

    Ahaha Thank you that's means a lot! :D
  2. MaddyFlahertyTV

    people don't watch my channel anymore.

    Just whatever happens don't lose heart in creating videos :)
  3. MaddyFlahertyTV

    people don't watch my channel anymore.

    This has happened to me to, I found that if i didn't share my video and promote it loads people didn't really go to my channel and watch my content so it's just a matter or sharing what you have to offer out there xD maybe even seeking out other smallyoutubers channels and looking at the content...
  4. MaddyFlahertyTV

    Community Hey

    Hey, Welcome to youtube and the freedom family :D I love comedy and also try to make all my videos as funny as i can :D i look forward to your future content !
  5. MaddyFlahertyTV

    Community My Channel!

    Hey, i just checked out your channel it looks awesome :D
  6. MaddyFlahertyTV

    Entertainment Hello

    Hey welcome to the freedom family :D
  7. MaddyFlahertyTV

    Comedy Hello! I'm a new member.

    Thank you! I'm filming later today to upload on Sunday so fingers crossed xD
  8. MaddyFlahertyTV

    Entertainment Hello Everyone !! Is there a welcome :D

    Welcome to the Freedom family! :D Awesome Chanel :)
  9. MaddyFlahertyTV

    Comedy Hello! I'm a new member.

    Ahaha even though your channel is in Spanish and the only Spanish I know is Hola Your content and channel just seemed all really cool :D
  10. MaddyFlahertyTV

    Solved Whats this?

    I had this show up on mine too however, on my youtube channel it says I'm still partnered so I didn't really worry about it but if someone does know anything, help would be good haha xD
  11. MaddyFlahertyTV

    Comedy Hello! I'm a new member.

    Hey Welcome to the Freedom family! :D my favourite food is also pizza xD ahaha I look forward to going and checking out your channel!!!!!!
  12. MaddyFlahertyTV

    Community Introduction

    Welcome to the Freedom family :D I think it's incredible how technology has developed to produce camera with good quality allowing niche/independent filmmakers and photographers to create amazing content
  13. MaddyFlahertyTV

    Subscriber Milestone First 10 Subs

    Congratulations! Make then 11!! :D I'm sure you'll get to your next goal in no time! :D
  14. MaddyFlahertyTV

    VLOG I am New youtuber

    Welcome to the Freedom Family :D
  15. MaddyFlahertyTV

    Subscriber Milestone 700 Subscribers!

    Thank you and i officially started my channel 3 years ago but only really got into it all about 2 years ago so I'm making slow progress but still it's progress :D also Thank You!!! :D I'm currently 262 away from my goal :D
  16. MaddyFlahertyTV

    Comedy youtube channel: Andrea Tovarkov

    Welcome to Freedom :D What made you want to start your youtube channel?
  17. MaddyFlahertyTV

    How to be more natural on camera?

    I remember having this problem and some times i still do, it's just a matter of keep being infant of the camera and eventually you become more comfortable with it all and it becomes second nature, it just takes time and with offending people and being hated, there's most likely always going to...
  18. MaddyFlahertyTV

    VLOG Koby J: Teenage Shenanigans.

    Welcome To Freedom :D I checked out your channel and I think the few videos you have up so far are brill :) I also really like your channel banner :) You've got yourself another subscriber :D What interests you in film and photography?
  19. MaddyFlahertyTV

    Comedy ComedyVlogger called Maddy!

    Thank you so much! :D