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  1. KuyasKorner


    Something you can try, maybe make extra videos, upload them and schedule them to be published at a later date. Might sound like a lot of work but it can help when you know you will be away for a while.
  2. KuyasKorner

    What you would do if...?

    One day... can't wait for that day to come :)
  3. KuyasKorner

    Audience retention

    I've been reviewing the analytics of my channel and some of the view counts I've been getting are between 1-7sec. Any tips on how to keep the audience interested in my videos? But I guess some of them are people that either have very short attention spans and want something in your face within...
  4. KuyasKorner

    How do you grow on YouTube

    @zeke morgan pretty much covered everything with regards to growing your channel. Though nothing is ever set. There is no true formula on growing your channel as it all depends on what you are comfortable with. I would also like to add one last tip to all this, JUST HAVE FUN! :D(y) (Y) people...
  5. KuyasKorner

    What would you do if....?

    I selected uploading everything upfront, but schedule them to be published at a decent pace, maybe once a day or every other day. Depends how you wanna show the consistency of your channel.
  6. KuyasKorner

    Subscriber Milestone 30 Subs! Finally!

    @scorpionvongaming thank you so much! anything around the geek fandom is where my passion is right now, glad they came out pretty well. Still testing things out with the gaming side but hopefully I'll get thing better. I'll check out your channel too this weekend when I'm not working or...
  7. KuyasKorner

    Subscriber Milestone 30 Subs! Finally!

    @basketballtop10s Thanks I'm really hoping to grow a bit faster soon. Hope your channel grows as well (y) (Y) @scorpionvongaming thought it was automatic. Ok I got my channel displayed now. Would really appreciate having someone I don't personally know have a look. I really wish people would...
  8. KuyasKorner

    Subscriber Milestone 30 Subs! Finally!

    After so many months I finally got 30 subs! Though I'm not sure if I should really be that excited because most of them are friends and family. Still feels good to see this number though. Hope to see more in the future.
  9. KuyasKorner

    Playlists vs Multiple Channels...

    I started my channel with the idea of the channel being about me as the topic. Most of my videos would be gaming videos but will be uploading vlogs and other things that I wanted to share as interests of mine on an occasional bases.
  10. KuyasKorner

    Playlists vs Multiple Channels...

    I keep asking myself this question all the time and every now and then I read something that sways my decisions. Any thoughts on this topic?
  11. KuyasKorner

    What makes you lose interest?

    YouTube needs more people like you to give constructive criticism. It doesn't help if people just close your video and not say why.
  12. KuyasKorner

    Solved Refer-a-friend, didn't know?

    Thanks for the responses guys. I'll keep this in mind when I find another friend wanting to join a network. Freedom!
  13. KuyasKorner


    Yes editing is a mission. Especially when you're trying to keep to the community guidelines and to make sure your video runs smoothly.
  14. KuyasKorner

    YouTube Who are your favorite Youtubers and why?

    Too many to mention! Markiplier and JackSepticEye were my inspiration to start YouTube. CaseyNeistat, Matt and Amanda, Benji & Judy (ItsJudysLife), they got me motivated to try out vlogs and they've shown me how important it is to spend time with family and friends. Noble (Lost Pause), Joey (The...
  15. KuyasKorner

    Solved Refer-a-friend, didn't know?

    Hi, I recently referred someone to join Freedom but I did not know there was a refer-a-friend system where I was supposed to send them a link and that I would get a small portion of revenue. Is there a way I can still get the benefits or is it too late now? Also, I'm struggling to find any...