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  1. INDI vidual

    Gaming Anime/Gaming Video! Review and/or CAH

    Oh, I would love to play some good old CaH :D
  2. INDI vidual

    Gaming DANKEST OF THE KNIGHTS | Batman: Returns (SNES) w/ Nick and Brett

    And the death carnival continues!
  3. INDI vidual

    Gaming Who am I and Why Should You Care?

    Just promise this to yourself, that's the most important thing :D
  4. INDI vidual

    Gaming Who am I and Why Should You Care?

    Well, you better put a lot of work in that dream, mate. YouTube can be a job, but it's very unpredictable. Anyway, good luck and welcome
  5. INDI vidual

    Subscriber Milestone 50 COMMUNITY MEMBERS!! THANK YOU :D

    the reason i don't do face cam with mine xD
  6. INDI vidual

    Gaming BECAUSE I'M BATMAN | Batman Returns (SNES) w/ Nick and Brett

    I HATE clowns! And I will beat them. Or maybe it's the other way?
  7. INDI vidual

    Gaming TAKE OUT YOUR BRUSHES | A Fragment of Her

    I'm gonna be a great artist! And you can't tell me what to do, you prick!
  8. INDI vidual

    Subscriber Milestone 50 COMMUNITY MEMBERS!! THANK YOU :D

    Congats on that milestone :D Also, this is not as cringy as any of my videos xD
  9. INDI vidual

    Gaming Hey, Im Nuzi! :D

    Welcome :D Say, did you drew this character yourself?
  10. INDI vidual

    Gaming GAME OF LIFE AND DEATH | Dolly

    I need somebody to hug now.
  11. INDI vidual

    Gaming SO IT WAS YOU WHO DID IT! | Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill (Remastered) FINALE

    Here is the finale of this mystery! Can't believe it took me so long/
  12. INDI vidual

    Gaming Why hello there.

    Hello and welcome, Simba o/ nice idea you have here
  13. INDI vidual

    Gaming FAIL TILL YOU WIN IT | Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill (Remastered) #3

    We fail, but then again, made some progress...
  14. INDI vidual

    Community Hello World!!! New to Freedom!

    Best reason and dream to start a channel :D Welcome, mate
  15. INDI vidual

    Gaming Top o the morning to ya

    As you said, as long as you like it, keep doing what you doing :D you can also put a link to your channel down in the signature. I would love to check it out
  16. INDI vidual

    Tips & Tricks Question for the gamers

    Go with what you are comfortable with, I guess
  17. INDI vidual

    Tips & Tricks Question for the gamers

    As LW001 said, it really depends on the person. Personally, I watched Outlast 2 on Jack's channel, and he has his videos around an hour, and the last part is more than two.
  18. INDI vidual

    Gaming INCREASE YOUR VIEWS/SUBS NOW!! Click here

    Can I join? My twitter is @niklazy