Search results

  1. M

    Recommended Games? Any Games On PC

    ive played hearthstone didnt enjoy it much, thanks foze.
  2. M

    Recommended Games? Any Games On PC

    ._. i just said i dont mind any genre but puzzle ._.
  3. M

    Recommended Games? Any Games On PC

    What Genre are they?
  4. M

    Recommended Games? Any Games On PC

    I enjoy pretty much any genre other than puzzles to be honest. I forgot to mention, recommendations about games that also are quite popular and get decent amounts of views. Also, games i can commentate over :D
  5. M

    Recommended Games? Any Games On PC

    I've been looking around for a while and i cant seem to find a game that i would enjoy and havent played. Any recommendations? I dont mind any genre.. as long as its not super old or so.
  6. M

    Gaming Introduction

  7. M

    Gaming Introduction

    Thanks a lot LeGen and UnderGround :)
  8. M

    Request Advice And Tips? Review

    Hmm... Ill try think of some ideas
  9. M

    Gaming Introduction

    Awwh, I feel really welcomed :) Thankyou *Highfive Machi* ^^ Zurh, I dont, but i may buy it soon.
  10. M

    Request Advice And Tips? Review

    TBH, id rather make content that will earn me subs.
  11. M

    Gaming Introduction

    Definitely :)
  12. M

    Request Advice And Tips? Review

    ah, i can change my outro, im making it for subs
  13. M

    Gaming Introduction

    Hi guys, my name is Manh (weird name i know) and i am from Vietnam. I create PC or PS4 content and often live stream. My games vary from League Of Legends to Fifa. I created a YouTube gaming channel mainly to upload game-play videos and adore appreciation and general compliments. I hope to...
  14. M

    Request Advice And Tips? Review

    Any help about what i can change?
  15. M

    Solved Freedom Partner Badge?

    "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action."
  16. M

    Solved Freedom Partner Badge?

    it says error when i clicked on it
  17. M

    Solved Freedom Partner Badge?

    How do i get a freedom partner badge?
  18. M

    Solved Youtube Channel Not Growing - Review?

    ah so mainly thumbnails and length of videos
  19. M

    Solved Youtube Channel Not Growing - Review?

    haha, i dont find their advice rude, im kinda glad they're giving me advice at all. But thank you Machi for your advice too :) ill make sure to add something into the descriptiion