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  1. Dillon

    Solved Scammed

    It's a touchy subject, but if a designer won't accept payment *AFTER* they do the work, watch out. Otherwise, maybe a "half now, half after" would work. If nothing else, ask to see published work before you take on a paid project. Can never be too safe these days, with all the scams online...
  2. Dillon

    GFX Request I need a logo and channel banner!

    Tossing my name into the mix; I've done work for several channels and would gladly help you out :) for some examples of my work. Hoping for the best otherwise!
  3. Dillon

    Solved Earnings not showing up

    It's possible; before I joined Freedom! in June of 2015, my AdSense said it would need $100 in earnings before I'd personally see any payment. Which is absurd; it would take a long time for a new channel to make that kind of money - especially given the time and potential investment you'd have...
  4. Dillon

    Entertainment Laughs, Boozy Rants, The Works

    I really appreciate that; thank you! I plan on keeping more up to date with Freedom! happenings and the forums now that life has settled down after the summer and moving. Here's hoping for the best all-around, but I'll be here for sure :)
  5. Dillon

    Entertainment Laughs, Boozy Rants, The Works

    Thanks for the notice! Didn't realize the change; fixed now :)
  6. Dillon

    Tips & Tricks HOW TO GET MORE VIEWS + MONEY.

    You're absolutely welcome! I know it was frustrating learning social media algorithms, so if I can help others, I am all for it!
  7. Dillon

    YouTube Red

    YouTube Red is akin to fan-funding in that you receive almost-direct payment from subscribers rather than advertisements. Overall, we should expect to see more money via this than the standard viewer (who likely uses AdBlockers anyway). It seems to have enticing benefits besides, but it's...
  8. Dillon

    Tips & Tricks HOW TO GET MORE VIEWS + MONEY.

    Ok: long informational rant incoming. But I promise this will help your YouTube Channel overall. Part 1: Your YouTube channel should be relevant, consistently. Decide what you want to film/upload, and keep it relevant. It's fine to break away from the norm occasionally, but your subscribers...
  9. Dillon

    Solved Earnings not showing up

    Agreed. The dashboard can be a little slow at updating, but overall, your earnings for any month should be paid 2 months after to your PayPal account. Consider it a "calculating period" between the month you earn and the month you're paid. Overall, it beats the AdSense model of needing to earn...
  10. Dillon

    YouTube Who are your favorite Youtubers and why?

    Mine are Grace Helbig, Mamrie Hart, DangerDolan, and Lindsey Stirling. Why? Because they are all upfront about what they do and what they love, they post consistently and regularly, and each show their passion for what they do. I've seen plenty of YouTubers who don't convey much passion for...
  11. Dillon


    Ok: long informational rant incoming. But I promise this will help your YouTube Channel overall. Part 1: Your YouTube channel should be relevant, consistently. Decide what you want to film/upload, and keep it relevant. It's fine to break away from the norm occasionally, but your subscribers...
  12. Dillon

    Stupid Red Cups

    Assuming we're talking about Starbucks' Red Cups, let me just say that as a partner for Starbucks, it's ridiculous. I made a YouTube rant about it (link below), and long story short: Starbucks has never featured any holiday on their cups. If anyone argues that, look at past designs - they may...
  13. Dillon

    How do you feel YouTube Red is going to affect your channel?

    From how I understand it, we will all see more money as a result of YouTube Red. Regardless, the formula stays roughly the same - longer watchtime + more views = more money. It's simply YouTube's way of combating AdBlockers so that we all get what we deserve as Content Creators. It may affect...
  14. Dillon

    Service Professional Designs. (Twitter, Youtube etc)

    If the designs are of good quality, $70 is really cheap, actually. I do design/photography work freelance, and most of my work runs around $100 minimum (usually for larger-scale projects, but still). If you look around for market prices, that's selling myself cheap. It may seem like a lot for a...
  15. Dillon

    Entertainment Laughs, Boozy Rants, The Works

    Once upon a time, I may have filled this out, but if so - I forgot. SO HERE WE GO! My name is Dillon Grotti. I am 25 years old. I grew up in the Black Hills of South Dakota and recently moved to Seattle, WA. I graduated college with a degree in Communication Arts, which I now primarily use for...