hello my name is ryan bailey (mopeyhornet), im a 25 year old student at purdue. in my spare time i like to make youtube content that is fun to me
like my lets' voicebox series. im a new channel made it about a week and half ago and already up to 19 subs. little bit about my channel, i use real accents and personalities ive honed over the years of gaming and i put it into a lets play format with gameplay and funny commentary. often talking back and forth between accents and giving illusion of two people playing and this is my way of expressing myself. if you enjoy my content as well feel free to give me feedback i listen to both positive and negative feedback and be glad to respond 
thank you
channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx-D75Y_gNgdZ9O32uHVLpg
thank you
channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx-D75Y_gNgdZ9O32uHVLpg