I can tell you all: Don't get discouraged with people, quit Youtube, and delete your channel. That's what I did last year, and I'm totally regretting it now. I had all my videos backed up to an external hard drive that failed badly on me. I lost some priceless video I can't replace. I had footage like hosted and voice trained Eastern Bluebirds, an endangered species Timber Rattlesnake swallowing a Chipmunk outside the front door, or a rare Scarlet Tanager bird having a raspberry right outside the window, etc. That's tough video to replace. I felt obligated to return to Youtube to upload the rest of the video I have, and make up for the lost with new footage too. I should have just walked away from my last channel for awhile, instead of just deleting it. I could have returned later and still had all the priceless videos I lost backed up on Youtube. This is going to frustrate me for years to come. It's not worth quitting.
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Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
Cool. I can see yours too, and I subscribed to your Youtube channel and added you on Google+. I play video games too. I've been a gamer since 1987. So, I may stop in to see some of your videos at times. Thanks for the help.

Thank you so much , that is a long time gaming :) your welcome , if you need anything just ask
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