Gaming <-- What that says.

Hak-Joo Yi

Rising User
Jun 16, 2015
Your name: EveryGameGuy
Where are you from?: Born in Korea, currently living in Australia.
How old are you?: 14
How did you find Freedom!?: A quick Google search for "Youtube Partnerships"
What made you join our forums?: Just to socialize, get to know some people.
What are your hobbies?: Watching anime/reading manga. Playing games (obviously)
What is your favorite food?: Don't have one :p
Why did you start YouTube?: Boredom. If you have free time, might as well do SOMETHING, right?
What is your biggest dream?: Ooh... Hard one... Uh... Yeah, I got nothing.
What kind of channel do you run?: Gaming, did you not see the "Gaming Channel" prefix?
What kind of content do you upload?: General gaming, sometimes visual novels, and osu.
When do you upload?: Kinda varies. I try to upload on Saturdays and Wednesdays.
Channel link:


Mar 1, 2014
Hi @Hak-Joo Yi,

Welcome to the Freedom! Community!

A gaming channel, cool! :D I'm glad you joined the forums with an open mind to socializing and getting to know some of the members from the community, I've met some people I can gladly call friends from here.
Why did you start YouTube?: Boredom. If you have free time, might as well do SOMETHING, right?
I completely agree with that, boredom is the least productive thing and using up that time to make YouTube videos or whatever might interest you might get you somewhere.

I see that you have videos of various games, that's great because you can capture quite a wide audience! I haven't made a gaming video for quite a while now and have been thinking of where to start again so I was wondering, are there any games that you particularly enjoyed working with, as in recording, editing, and uploading to YouTube? I really enjoyed working with Minecraft in the past and if I were to make more gaming videos, it might start with Minecraft again.

Drop by the "Gaming Discussion" section some time if you haven't already, I think it'd be a great place for you to find like-minded people! It's one of my favourite sections personally.

Click here to visit "Gaming Discussion!

I look forward to seeing you around, I hope you will realize your dream soon and follow it!