If it's alright, I'll put Ori and the Blind Forest and Ori and the Will of the Wisps in one spot. Both have the same aspects that I absolutely love. The gameplay, the music, and the visuals are the most beautiful I've ever seen/heard in a game.
Second would probably be Doom (2016). The Doom 3 campaign in Doom 3: BFG Edition used to be my favorite Doom game until I recently played the 2016 game. I'm not having quite as much fun with Doom Eternal, unfortunately.
For the third, I want to just add the entire Half-Life series, including Black Mesa, which is a fan-made remake of Half-Life.
If I were to add a fourth, I'd say Star Wars: Republic Commando, because holy crap, that game is awesome. The best Star Wars game ever, in my opinion.