Ashley SilverDust

Community Team
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Feb 14, 2015
Maine, USA
Hello, everybody! I'm back on behalf of the Community Team with another Community Newsletter! You definitely shouldn't be missing what's been happening on The George Show recently! We've got the videos and news right here for you if you did miss anything though! Plus more, of course! Let's wrap up this week!

Freedom! $100k Sponsorship is Back!
This week has been very exciting for the Freedom! Community with all of the buzz about the $100k Sponsorship making it's return! George's videos from this week were very exciting to watch, each time the hype got more intense! All leading up towards the first $100 winner of this round of the Sponsorship, and soon thereafter - a second winner! It's all very exciting! Plus, episodes contain other important info you don't wanna miss too! The first video below talks about features leaving YouTube, and the second vid officially announces the $100k Sponsorship!

To find out who the first two winners are, see the rest of this week's videos at the end of the newsletter as usual!
Hope you're as excited about all of this as the CT is! This is a very exciting time for the Freedom! Family!

How Can You Help the Freedom! Family?

I'd like for you to take a moment and think about things you've done to help other people in our community, and then put that into words in a reply on this thread. The purpose of this, is because there are people with tons of potential that could help a lot of others but maybe don't know where to start. Share any advice that you want to! My bit of advice to get us started is... when someone asks for help improving their channel, be sure to give their channel a thorough look and find some things you like and some that need improvement. Mentioning the good and the bad is more motivational than only one or the other!

Community Team Members Growing!
The Community Team is proud of our member @VoiaGmer for recently reaching 6,000 subscribers! Be sure to visit their milestone thread and congratulate him, and you can click here to see the special announcement he just made on his channel. Congrats, Voia! But wait, that's not all! @ItsJustJord recently hit 1,000 subscribers and announced it using #FreedomFamily here! Alsoooo, @Frosted Fricks is fast approaching 1,500! OMG! I am so proud of all of these guys, and the whole team really - everyone is growing! Have you hit a milestone recently? Tell us down below and/or create a thread in the milestones section to let everybody know so that we can all celebrate together!

Freedom! Forum Friday
Speaking of milestones, some of your recently posted achievements were featured in this week's edition of Freedom! Forum Friday! Have you read it yet? It's full of great stuff about YOU from many corners of the forums - spotlighting deserving threads!

(y) (Y) #FreedomFamily Stands Out
(y) (Y)

It's time to feature another 3 active #FreedomFamily users!
Capt Molo Gaming, Boris Gonschorek, and Itsjustjord!

Thanks for being awesome and interacting. Show them some love, everybody!
Be active using #FreedomFamily on Twitter for your chance to be featured!

A Musical Merge is Coming

YouTube’s head of music confirms YouTube Red and Google Play Music will merge to create a new service. The teams responsible for both services have already merged, so more integration must be right around the corner! I'll keep my eyes open for more about this!

Video Rankings: Google Vs. YouTube

Curious about the difference between how videos rank in searches on Google versus on YouTube? I saw this interesting article this week, and knew I had to share it with all of you! The article contains data from the CEO of an award-winning digital marketing agency! Spoiler alert: one major difference is that advertising your content will raise you up in YouTube searches, but doesn't work the same for impacting Google search results. Please see the following link for details and tons more info:

YouTube TV: 2 Million Downloads!

Another quick update about the progress and success of YouTube TV. Last week I mentioned how they were expanding to many more markets. The result of doing that is absolutely amazing so far! It seems that YouTube TV is quite an easy choice for people to use or switch to!

♫ Pacific - Behind the music
Pacific is 100% free for everyone in the Freedom! Family!

Responding to comments about Body Language
This series aims to inspire you to have an even greater impact on your audience!
Tune in as Lime responds to your comments about body language from the last episode!

★ First $100,000 Sponsorship winner!
The first $100,000 Sponsorship winner - Was it you? Also, $1.9 Mil in revenue paid!

★ Second $100,000 Sponsorship winner!
The second $100,000 Sponsorship winner - Was it you? Also, download a new Video Asset pack!

Thanks for reading!
From the Freedom! Community Team to the entire Freedom! family, we look forward to seeing you around in the community! Best wishes for all of your endeavors and take care! Also, never give up!

Interact with the Freedom! Community
➔ On the forums!
➔ Twitter: @mcnfreedom and @FreedomFamilyRT
➔ Facebook:
➔ Freedom! Discord Server:
➔ YouTube Channel: Freedom! Central
Last edited:


The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Hello, everybody! I'm back on behalf of the Community Team with another Community Newsletter! You definitely shouldn't be missing what's been happening on The George Show recently! We've got the videos and news right here for you if you did miss anything though! Plus more, of course! Let's wrap up this week!

Freedom! $100k Sponsorship is Back!
This week has been very exciting for the Freedom! Community with all of the buzz about the $100k Sponsorship making it's return! George's videos from this week were very exciting to watch, each time the hype got more intense! All leading up towards the first $100 winner of this round of the Sponsorship, and soon thereafter - a second winner! It's all very exciting! Plus, episodes contain other important info you don't wanna miss too! The first video below talks about features leaving YouTube, and the second vid officially announces the $100k Sponsorship!

To find out who the first two winners are, see the rest of this week's videos at the end of the newsletter as usual!
Hope you're as excited about all of this as the CT is! This is a very exciting time for the Freedom! Family!

How Can You Help the Freedom! Family?

I'd like for you to take a moment and think about things you've done to help other people in our community, and then put that into words in a reply on this thread. The purpose of this, is because there are people with tons of potential that could help a lot of others but maybe don't know where to start. Share any advice that you want to! My bit of advice to get us started is... when someone asks for help improving their channel, be sure to give their channel a thorough look and find some things you like and some that need improvement. Mentioning the good and the bad is more motivational than only one or the other!

Community Team Members Growing!
The Community Team is proud of our member @VoiaGmer for recently reaching 6,000 subscribers! Be sure to visit their milestone thread and congratulate him, and you can click here to see the special announcement he just made on his channel. Congrats, Voia! But wait, that's not all! @ItsJustJord recently hit 1,000 subscribers and announced it using #FreedomFamily here! Alsoooo, @Frosted Fricks is fast approaching 1,500! OMG! I am so proud of all of these guys, and the whole team really - everyone is growing! Have you hit a milestone recently? Tell us down below and/or create a thread in the milestones section to let everybody know so that we can all celebrate together!

Freedom! Forum Friday
Speaking of milestones, some of your recently posted achievements were featured in this week's edition of Freedom! Forum Friday! Have you read it yet? It's full of great stuff about YOU from many corners of the forums - spotlighting deserving threads!

(y) (Y) #FreedomFamily Stands Out
(y) (Y)

It's time to feature another 3 active #FreedomFamily users!
Capt Molo Gaming, Boris Gonschorek, and Itsjustjord!

Thanks for being awesome and interacting. Show them some love, everybody!
Be active using #FreedomFamily on Twitter for your chance to be featured!

A Musical Merge is Coming

YouTube’s head of music confirms YouTube Red and Google Play Music will merge to create a new service. The teams responsible for both services have already merged, so more integration must be right around the corner! I'll keep my eyes open for more about this!

Video Rankings: Google Vs. YouTube

Curious about the difference between how videos rank in searches on Google versus on YouTube? I saw this interesting article this week, and knew I had to share it with all of you! The article contains data from the CEO of an award-winning digital marketing agency! Spoiler alert: one major difference is that advertising your content will raise you up in YouTube searches, but doesn't work the same for impacting Google search results. Please see the following link for details and tons more info:

YouTube TV: 2 Million Downloads!

Another quick update about the progress and success of YouTube TV. Last week I mentioned how they were expanding to many more markets. The result of doing that is absolutely amazing so far! It seems that YouTube TV is quite an easy choice for people to use or switch to!

♫ Pacific - Behind the music
Pacific is 100% free for everyone in the Freedom! Family!

Responding to comments about Body Language
This series aims to inspire you to have an even greater impact on your audience!
Tune in as Lime responds to your comments about body language from the last episode!

★ First $100,000 Sponsorship winner!
The first $100,000 Sponsorship winner - Was it you? Also, $1.9 Mil in revenue paid!

★ Second $100,000 Sponsorship winner!
The second $100,000 Sponsorship winner - Was it you? Also, download a new Video Asset pack!

Thanks for reading!
From the Freedom! Community Team to the entire Freedom! family, we look forward to seeing you around in the community! Best wishes for all of your endeavors and take care! Also, never give up!

Interact with the Freedom! Community
➔ On the forums!
➔ Twitter: @mcnfreedom and @FreedomFamilyRT
➔ Facebook: Freedom
➔ Freedom! Discord Server! Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers
➔ YouTube Channel: Freedom! Central
The return of the sponsorship is a great thing!
The Freedom Family is growing bigger by the day and the community is becoming more active then ever wich is a great thing to see :)
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Reactions: Ashley SilverDust


"You don't know me...but you will"
Freedom! Member
Feb 1, 2016
Its nice to see freedom doing something with that engages its audience & rewards the most helpful, though personally I feel its been done the wrong way, here's why:

This sponsorship is encouraging copy/paste comments from people entering as from what I can see you have to comment on the previous winning video to get entered (I'm not 100% sure on that though). A easy way around this which I don't see why Freedom didn't do is just to have a google form or something like that for the entries. They use it for like every other contest type of content so why not this? Then we get to the video nomination system, where the previous winner can choose the next one by making a public video explaining their choice. This can just end up with buddies nominating each other, meaning if your lesser known in the Freedom Family then your just outright missed, also when did George last look at the forums? (June 22nd apparently, not encouraging for us active on the forums but not on stuff like the discord or Freedom! comments is it?).

That's just my 2 cents on this sponsorship, I could be completely wrong but that's my view on it as of when I post this.​


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Aug 23, 2014
Hey nice to see such an amazing thing is back. In my opinion that will help the community to be more friendly/enthusiastic/active and more importantly helpful to others when they are in need of that. Will try my best to prove my words are truth