VLOG Why am I here?


New User
Aug 12, 2016
Atlanta, GA
How is it going guys? My name is Pavel, and I started a youtube channel. I am an immigrant from Russia to the U.S. and I lived here for about 3 years. I learned my English when I got here, so I do not always feel comfortable talking, since I have an accent. I have passion for cars, photography, adventures, and recreational activities. I've been thinking of creating a YouTube channel for years now, but never actually found a right time to do so. I opened mine about a month ago, as sort of a diary and a way for me to share what my life is like. It should also help me to overcome my fear of talking due to an accent. An even that occurred back in June actually pushed me to open this channel, because I wish I could go back and look the progress I've made. Back in April I got in a car accident, which totaled my car and I was forced to get a new one. I got my self a car that I could restore and build from pretty much a scratch. I finished my project on June 17th, however my car burned down on June 28th due to defective parts. As I was letting my friends know about the even, I started getting a lot of messages from people I've never met before, telling me how they are sorry that happened to me and that hey were following my build. It made me realize that if I could just upload bit of my life like that, not only would I be able to go back and look at my life, but also create a community of people that maybe follow same passions as I do or just want to follow their dreams and need a little off motivation. With that said, here I am on youtube. I am going to start daily vlogs on September 1st, so most of the content on my channel are small bits of my past and moments that were important to me. It would be great to get to know you guys!


The Crazy Boi
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016
What a story! - Don't worry about your accent, people will get used to it. You might not like it when you listen to it from a video but that is because our mind interprets it differently and doesn't fully understand that it is you.

Welcome to Freedom!
If you ever need any assistance, you can ask us in the Freedom Chat.
I am quite active in the chat and am willing to help anyone.
Good luck on YouTube

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  • By making a Introduction, you and your channel will be noticed by many users. We are not your audience, we are your friends, we may become subscribers or viewers and help you grow.
  • Once becoming a Partner and acquiring the badge (bit.ly/PartnerBadge), you can make a Community Review post where you can ask and give reviews to become a better YouTuber.
  • Our General Chat allows people to make new friends. Friends does not always mean becoming greater. It allows us to communicate and maybe collaborate.


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 18, 2016
Ashland, PA
How is it going guys? My name is Pavel, and I started a youtube channel. I am an immigrant from Russia to the U.S. and I lived here for about 3 years. I learned my English when I got here, so I do not always feel comfortable talking, since I have an accent. I have passion for cars, photography, adventures, and recreational activities. I've been thinking of creating a YouTube channel for years now, but never actually found a right time to do so. I opened mine about a month ago, as sort of a diary and a way for me to share what my life is like. It should also help me to overcome my fear of talking due to an accent. An even that occurred back in June actually pushed me to open this channel, because I wish I could go back and look the progress I've made. Back in April I got in a car accident, which totaled my car and I was forced to get a new one. I got my self a car that I could restore and build from pretty much a scratch. I finished my project on June 17th, however my car burned down on June 28th due to defective parts. As I was letting my friends know about the even, I started getting a lot of messages from people I've never met before, telling me how they are sorry that happened to me and that hey were following my build. It made me realize that if I could just upload bit of my life like that, not only would I be able to go back and look at my life, but also create a community of people that maybe follow same passions as I do or just want to follow their dreams and need a little off motivation. With that said, here I am on youtube. I am going to start daily vlogs on September 1st, so most of the content on my channel are small bits of my past and moments that were important to me. It would be great to get to know you guys!

Welcome to the family Pashtet, Like Gaming say your mind is not fully understand that is you, I have a accent with speech problem (Getting better) my mind slowly get used to mine voice. but that's sad story and youtube can help you through motivated and depression please talk to us on the chat but I not active there but PM me on Freedom I answer when I get it. Hope you get better :D