Dashboard The German Dashboard situation™


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Hello Freedom! Forum users and Developers. not like any dev will see this lmao

May I start off by saying that this thread will include quite a bit of rage so if you don't want to scroll through it to add a reply, click here to write one xd

So the current state of Translations is - Straight up - garbage.
For this thread I've used a new Google account to act as if I was partnering it and it turned out to be worse than I expected. Let me walk you through the German version of signing up:

The first one just turned from "Email required" to "Video ID required".
After that you get asked about the Primary reason of joining in english, which includes replies to the question "Where did you find Freedom!?", after which the form is mostly over.

If I was a german new user that didn't understand much english I'd run away screaming for help.

Think that's it? Let me walk you through the Dashboard.
The earnings module is only halfway translated, still:

Let's look on the side module:

You could not have told me this was PlayNow from looking at the left one.
I thought at least the Music section had to be fine, but NOPE THE LOGOS ARE DIFFERENT

Again, in the Sponsorships section you just threw in Tunes instead of Zazzy... It's the same thing right?

And now comes the icing:
Royalty Free videos

Somehow you managed to **** the entire section up.
Royalty free videos is apparently equal to The George Show (still laughing at that one)
Viral Videos is apparently equal to VideoBlocks
is apparently equal to Carrier
is apparently equal to Profile
is apparently equal to ...again... Carrier
Tourism USA
is apparently equal to Films
USA News
is apparently equal to Networks
Reuter Business
is apparently equal to Recruiter
World News
is apparently equal to Overview

Quick: Here's a compliment to make this less than just a rank. In this post I talked about it saying "Profiel" instead of "Profil" which someone actually forwarded and fixed! :eek:

Freedom!. If you care about localization, make a crowd-sourced translation project happen. Or just give me a list of Strings to translate and I'll do it.I would be happy to help out there. I wouldn't even want money or a shoutout for it. Google Translate could have better than this.

I hope someone will see this. Make this come true.

PS: I will probably send this to support as well if noone sees this.
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Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Sent in a support ticket, I got a reply from Antonio a few days later (jeez they're backed up more than I thought) and they're evaluating whether they'll make better translations happen woo

Edit: Woo boii

New edit nothing happened after that...
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