
New User
Freedom! Member
Feb 13, 2016
1) What is going on guys my name is Perez (I hope the freedom community will understand that at the moment I wish not to give out my full information). But will that being said call me Perez :)).
2) I from somewhere in the Midwest of the United States.
3) My age is another piece of information I wish to keep private for now. But I will say that I am considered an adult!
4) I’ve always herd of Freedom from being bounced around by these YouTube helping networks. The other way I heard about Freedom was from a friend who was already partnered with you.
5) I joined the forms because it was another step of getting my account set up. Though I’ve never really be a part of any forums I want to try and make this my first. I want to see if I can be active.
6) As far as hobbies go, I really don’t have any. The few things I can say are I love playing video games, which would be number one on my list! Besides that I sometimes like doing D.I.Y projects with my girlfriend. But over all I’m usually working to make money to support my “YouTube Career” and schooling.
7) I don’t have a favorite food. I probably have to choose like Mexican food, if not Italian food.
8) The reason I started YouTube was because… Well let me explain it a different way my father was always the funny guy around everyone. I look up to him for that. As time went on I took on that trade. I became “The Funny Guy” and I always enjoyed being the center of attention. What made me continue being funny was seeing people reactions (hopefully the FineBros. Don’t sue me for using that ;)). With that being said I took my love for video games and my funniness and took it to YouTube and that’s why I’m here.
9) My biggest dream is to make it with the big guys. They big guys to me are those big YouTubers; KYR, Vanoss, TmarTn, they made people happy and laugh and I want to do the same.
10) As of now my channel is mainly gaming, other than that I do some D.I.Y projects with my girlfriend. Other than all that I do some random unboxings.
11) I upload every Saturday or Sunday, its one or the other.

Now anyone that subscribes, becomes a Homie. Feel free to check out my channel.
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Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
welcome to the forums! We're all here to help each other out!

If you want to grow, consider who you might wanna assist here in return, if you like what their channels provide of course, not just blind sub for sub :)

if you have any questions feel free to ask :)


lol so secretive - are you running from the law mister :p
