Complaints Popular Threads Right Now


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
See that prefix? Get popcorn, I'm back with these.

The Popular Threads section of the Home Page sucks. Here's the TL;DR why, the arguments will be explained below:
  • Half the time Links don't even work
  • It promotes Spam
Let's tackle these one step at a time, starting off with

It promotes Spam
This is a pain in the ass. The thing just takes random Posts that have received a (Sometimes even no) View in the last Hour and calls them Trending. This might work on Sites with Millions of continuously active Users and thousands of Threads being posted a day but not for this. Always lovely when we have one of those spam attacks and all I need to do is load the thread once to flag it before noticing the one view I did on it caused it to be pushed to the front page.
Great. I did that.

Half the Links don't even work
This is something that has recently stopped happening but there kept on being threads like this:
that got pushed to the Popular List, clicking on the link would give you a ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS. Sidenote how come all of these get sent there with 0 Replies and 0 Views. Great popularity I see there.

TL;DR the feature needs ironing and a better definition on what constitutes "popular".


Mythic User
The popular thing works on how many people are viewing the thread at the moment. I might just remove it as we don't really have enough users viewing the forums for it to accurately show popular threads.

ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS thing is when you go from the main forum board to the Chinese forums, still not sure why it does that. It works fine with the other languages
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