Staff [OFFICIAL SUGGESTION] - Plan to eliminate Promote Yourself channel spam.

Do you believe that this suggestion could solve some of the Promote Yourself spam?

  • No, Promote Yourself would no longer be used.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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The Crazy Boi
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016
Hello Freedom! Family, a few users in this section have been gathering together talking about the current status of the Promote Yourself forum and the lack of contribution that users are making to the general forums. This topic is currently in our focus and we hope to figure out a way in which we can limit the spam in the Promote Yourself section in a way which allows people to promote themselves effectively without going through endless rules and restrictions..

Before I present my specific solution to the problem, I would like to outline the issues that we currently face in the section. Currently as it stands, 98% of people who go onto someone's thread on the Promote Yourself section does not leave a reply. Compared to the Introduce Yourself section, only 92% of people who go onto someone's thread does not leave a reply. Both of these numbers (sampled from 100 currently active posts) are shocking, so we need to do something about them!

SOLUTION: Introduce a secondary, internal and virtual currency.

Currently, we only have one actively used currency known as 'Credits' - These are used for cosmetic changes around the forums as well as giving you access to promote your channel in the Promote Yourself section. This current system is alright for everything but Promote Yourself. Registering, updating your profile and adding a profile picture all give you bonus credits at the start, allowing a new user to promote themselves instantaneously, prompting a 'hit and run' scenario.

By adding a new currency known as 'Promotion Credits' (placeholder), we can make it so that they can only be earned by the replying of threads inside the Promote Yourself section. This will prompt users to actually interact with other peoples promotions and give feedback or advice to each other, whilst also earning themselves the ability to create their own posts.

Every post in the Promote Yourself section would cost 1 Promotion Credit. Replies to threads in the Promote Yourself section gives the user 0.2 credits as a base, with an increase of reward with a larger reply (word count basis), up to 1 credit per reply. This idea allows people to still promote as usual, as users pay for their threads in the form of normal credits at the moment anyway, however this means they must reply to others to gain their access.

People still get to promote their channel - More people would see each others content and channels - WIN (Growth)
People will have to reply to other threads - Less steaming piles of spam - WIN (Cleaner)

People get to grow whilst also making the forums cleaner and better, it's a win-win situation.

Do you think this is a good idea, do you have a suggestion to this problem, or possibly something to add to this? Leave a comment down below with your ideas, as well as visiting the poll at the top to see if you believe this idea will work or not!
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Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
This one almost passed my radar...

Currently as it stands, 98% of people who go onto someone's thread on the Promote Yourself section does not leave a reply. Compared to the Introduce Yourself section, only 92% of people who go onto someone's thread does not leave a reply.
Love it how everyone brings statistics to the table in this thing :p

For the separate currency, as discussed in chat earlier, I'm all for it. Though I do feel like bringing up some more stuff to the table.

Firstly, I don't think economic changes will fully solve this problem (Granted, there will be no 100% solution for this), though it'd have to be backed by rules and Moderators actively enforcing them. This would go further than just removing people spamming replies to get enough Promo Credits and people doing "Cat on Keyboard". I'm talking about enforcing quality threads. A Media Tag is boring when alone, which is something happening a lot:

I'm for making potentially a form for this with a character limit. Yes, limits are boring but they will help support thread quality. I'd say a 50 Character limit for a description is good. I'd have said 100 but that'd be an essay and the Forums shouldn't be boring essay-writing either.

As to featuring users replying and giving Feedback, I think that currency should heavily support Likes on replies and users should be told to Like posts that look qualitative. Likes should give 1-2 Promo Credits immediately, in addition to normal credits as they show someone has actually appreciated the post.

Now what is done when a post is just a Media tag or doesn't have a constructive Description?

Nuke it from Orbit.

It doesn't get easier. Tell the User to review the rules, refund them the Promo Credit and let them post again. If they fail to make a qualitative post with that, give them a warning.

But what if they make a qualitative post? That won't get them views!
Oh heck you are wrong. The last relevant thing to do here is to reward good threads. Ones that describe the video, include detail, etc. should be features on the homepage. Either through FFF or through the huge homepage promotion video thing for the Media Section. Just showcase two qualitative threads for a week or so.

Those were my five cents to add to this, I really hope this gets through.


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Mar 10, 2015
I really like this idea, and I hope it gets implemented, it wont be the end of all spam in that section but it will help to improve it from the state where it is in right now


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Feb 2, 2016
Indeed seems like a solid plan, i'm all for the win-wins! But you'd possibly need to monitor the replies on the threads to prevent people from getting Promotional Credits by writing complete gibberish instead of helpful or constructive comments. Lastly: Liking videos is good, you should also include an option to dislike a video, but to dislike it you must provide a legit reason with constructive criticism as to why you didn't like it, to help the person who posted the video improve!


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Indeed seems like a solid plan, i'm all for the win-wins! But you'd possibly need to monitor the replies on the threads to prevent people from getting Promotional Credits by writing complete gibberish instead of helpful or constructive comments. Lastly: Liking videos is good, you should also include an option to dislike a video, but to dislike it you must provide a legit reason with constructive criticism as to why you didn't like it, to help the person who posted the video improve!
Of course, mods will need to remove jibberish and you will be able to help them!