Whats up everyone now the main problem I see people having is their SEO, the seo is all about the videos title video description and also the video tags, the main problem people have are the video title and tags, so if you guys are having a problem in doing your tags feel free to let me know and I will try my very best to teach you how to do your tags i will be able to do one of your videos tags so that you can learn how I do mine and you will be able to use what I give you for future videos as you will have a better understanding of how they work
DISCLAIMER i am not a pro at youtube SEO but I'm ok with it and have picked up a few tricks to be able to rank sometimes depending on the game, so if tags are something your really bad at them please let me know and i will do my best to help you so that you can get better at them
DISCLAIMER i am not a pro at youtube SEO but I'm ok with it and have picked up a few tricks to be able to rank sometimes depending on the game, so if tags are something your really bad at them please let me know and i will do my best to help you so that you can get better at them