Fun and Games Meme Time!

Showcase One

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
We all love memes don't we? Especially when they involve forum admins and stuffing up (jk).

But how often do you get to dig through the depths of your hard drives and share them with the world?
Today I will officially start a new revolution, a new era of meming for the freedom forums!

It's time to dust off those old folders full of totally appropriate memes and share them with the world.
Find your best meme and share it here for everyone to see.

The only rules are as follows:
  • Keep them family friendly
  • No Jokes about forum staff (that's my job), I'll send dropbears if you do!
  • Don't spam!!!!
  • Keep up with the trends!
Happy Meming![DOUBLEPOST=1503133686][/DOUBLEPOST]Update: this thread now officially qualifies as a meme:
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