Hello, my name is Douglas. I'm 14, and an aspiring filmmaker.
Here's my channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCokZlMU60-VaQNBkkgYlTWA
- From? I'm originally from California, but I moved along with my family to Colorado in 2010.
- Hobbies? I love exploring, longboarding, and challenging my abilities.
- Past? I've been a creator since I was very young, around seven. I've always been fascinated by technology, cameras being the biggest piece. I love the way life looks through a lens, and I love what you can do with captured material.
- Biggest Dream? My biggest dream is to inspire people around the world, and challenge the way they think about it. I want to do that through the various aspects of film.
- Channel? My channel will be a host to the various types of films/content I create.
Here's my channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCokZlMU60-VaQNBkkgYlTWA