Hello its Skyeas here I'm 19 years old and do a gaming channel ^_^. So far since I've been partnered with freedom its been pretty fun and their tips have been helpful to me a lot! Also for my channel Skyeas Gaming right at this moment I mainly do montages, highlights and etc. for CS:GO but will expand in the future. At first, I created a YT channel just for fun so that I could learn how to better edit videos and learn how a bunch of editing softwares worked since it seemed pretty fun. But eventually as I kept posting I received a bunch of pretty good feedback and other ppl have actually been watching my videos and this in turn helped and motivate me to become more and more active in YouTube. So yeah just to add, I love to meet new people and am willing to collaborate and have fun playing with others ^_^! Interacting with everybody is really fun and I love helping others. Hopefully in the future I will expand my channel and will not limit myself to a specific kind of content but in varieties. I hope to meet many more people also here in Freedom! and enjoy playing with each other