Gaming I'm New

Nate Helmer

New User
Feb 12, 2016
My name is Nate. I am 17 years old and I love to play video games and make original skits for my YouTube! I plan to make my own series in the future of my channel! I also love to talk to every subscriber I have so that way, I get to know them and they get the chance to talk to me!

I first discovered Freedom! when I was checking my email and found and a notification to join. It was one day later when I uploaded a video called "8 things on what not to do in a gun battle". I asked questions and then I joined! I'm happy that I have joined and I have seen a great community!

If you are interested in gaming and skits, please check out my channel. If you have a game that you want to see me play on PlayStation 4, please let me know! Want me to add you on PSN? Let me know!

Thank you all and I'll see you guys in my next post! :]


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
hey , welcome to Freedom , I hope you enjoy your stay and if you need any help just ask :)