Hello to all you guys at BluEdge Chekpoint sorry if everything is scattered around and stuff, I'm not the best a giving advice but I will try.
The first page of your channel needs a bit of work I don't like the channel banner but that's not what I'm talking about. (It's fine for now but in the future, I hope it's refined and made better). But actually, I'm talking about the home section it only has Uploads and Popular Uploads you should make more playlists so people can find them easier and have them auto play; furthermore, if they would want to binge what your channel they could easily do it with series that they like more. I'll show some examples from my channel and you can compare them to yours.
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As you can see making playlists and put it on your home page or the landing page makes it look like you have more to offer for viewers and it also make them know that you care more about your channel when you put in the extra work to have it nice and neatly organized (Now I'm not saying I'm organized but it's something).
When that is done we can move on to other things.
In the description, you should have more info about the video giving a slight hint to what's going to happen so people are more likely to click on it or stay around if you have a compelling description.
- We are now going imperialistic we must build a military to defend ourselves from the enemy. We will dominate them until they want peace unless they think they are high and mighty. This is from one of my videos Civ VI videos.
As you can see when I'm on my A-game when it comes to making an outline of the video so people know what to expect but does not tell you what happens.
This is some of the things I saw that could be improved but if you want to get more information I recommend you to watch some of these great channels that help you become better at doing YouTube.
Roberto Blake
Nick Nimmin
Derral Eves
Sorry, I was not as useful as some other great people, but I hope you take some of these tips and use them to learn and grow and get better at YouTube. Also, watch the people that I recommended to you they have some nice videos that have helped me. I hope you guys have a great day.
Overall I say keep learning the ropes of YouTube and getting better at it everything takes practice to master is.