YouTube How to update old youtube videos

Violeta León

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jan 9, 2018
Hi! I started my youtube channel on 2006 and my videos from that time seems so bad right now, because the tools used in that time arent as cool as now. So, I though to update those videos and do them again. What should I do about the old one, do I delete them from my channel? those drive lots of traffic but I think the new ones could do the same. What have you done in this situation? All advices are welcome.


Freedom! Member
Honestly, I would just leave them as they are. It's nice to have something to compare yourself from then to now. Although, I am not Spanish, and I don't know Spanish, so I'm not likely to take interest in your videos, even after Google translated the titles. But still, like I said, it's nice to have something to compare your current self to.

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
I echo what is said above it they are driving traffic to your channel, or you want to keep them for prosperity then definitely leave them. If needs be you could always unlist them or make them private if you don't want them showing on your channel for whatever reason