YouTube How to deal with aggressivly negitive criticism

Some Bad Gamer

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Nov 9, 2016
I had been recording a series for my channel and people were loving it then the person i was recording with said he got bored and after he had stopped the series my channel kept getting some very aggressive comments such as "This kid only had people watch him because of Danny. Now this kid will still be that irrelevant child that once was" or "Nobody cares. Noone watches your garbage content. You look like a autistic deformed kid". Personally, I don't care about the negative comments on my videos but my concern is my video ratings because no matter what I post I get only dislikes and it is always 6-9 dislikes per video. If anyone has some advice on how to help combat this it would be appreciated

Kratos Aurion

You Earnestly believe you could defeat me?
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Phoenix, Arizona
Just keep posting and having fun and those people will get tired and go away eventually or (If you are lucky) they might even warm up to you after a while.

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
You just have to find your own way of dealing with it, personally I don't let them get to me no matter what they say / do, as I've always just uploaded for the fun of it and never really taken it that seriously.


Respected User
Apr 20, 2018
I've recentley become aware of the so called "hate viewers". Basically they are those people who dedicate their time to religiously watch all your videos and giving them a dislike and a hateful comment. It's horrible I know, but they eventually get tired and if they don't get any response whatsoever, the faster they will give up.


Active Member
Freedom! Member
May 18, 2017
I had a watch of a few of your videos and yeah I can see the toxic hateful comments you’re getting.

It could be that there is a certain demographic where this sort of negativity is more prevalent (I’m no sociologist or human behavioural expert, so this is just my educated guess), or you appear to be an easy target — When people can remain anonymous on the Internet, they’re more likely to say things they normally wouldn’t say in person.

I’ve been a YouTuber for some 5 years, and a few things I would say is:
  • Be a strong person of character, project it not by putting on a show but just in the way you carry yourself in your videos. You probably do this already, so keep it up.
  • Don’t react to the hate, or if you do need to say something in response to the hate then keep it civil and don’t get into a protracted argument. Just say what you need to say and then leave it at that. This will likely be enough to diffuse the situation and not let it escalate. Again, you seem to be doing a good job of that in responding to the comments.
  • Last but not least, don’t buckle or break under the weight of the hate and negativity. Keep your head up high and don’t sink to the level of those who want to bring you down.


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Dec 27, 2016
Just ignore them. While censoring or deleting comments of that nature may not be the best option, they're like trolls: they'll keep going only if you give them any attention and energy and eventually, if they're ignored, they just figure out their behavior is unwanted and stop to move onto their next target.