Your name: Jamie Fox
(Optional) Where are you from?: Ireland in a place called Roscommon
(Optional) How old are you?: i am 16 years of age
How did you find Freedom!? i Found it on a Drama Alert video
What made you join our forums?: Well to meet knew people and talk to them and make new friends that are on the forms
What are your hobbies?: Sports,Gaming and Graphic Design
What is your favorite food? Chips and pizza
Why did you start YouTube? i started youtube as i wanted to do it my whole life and also get noticed by people in like gameing events and just live a happy life with subscribers saying ''can i take a picture'' and just to get noticed more
(Optional)What is your biggest dream? to get big on youtube and meeting up with subscribers when i hit certain subs and also if i was in a place tweeting out come here to do a meet up and seeing everybody
What kind of channel do you run?: Gaming and when i get bigger some vloging will be done mostly gaming
What kind of content do you upload? Gaming for now
When do you upload?: Also every day it depends if i work over time then i have no time but mostly every day
Channel link:
(Optional) Where are you from?: Ireland in a place called Roscommon
(Optional) How old are you?: i am 16 years of age
How did you find Freedom!? i Found it on a Drama Alert video
What made you join our forums?: Well to meet knew people and talk to them and make new friends that are on the forms
What are your hobbies?: Sports,Gaming and Graphic Design
What is your favorite food? Chips and pizza
Why did you start YouTube? i started youtube as i wanted to do it my whole life and also get noticed by people in like gameing events and just live a happy life with subscribers saying ''can i take a picture'' and just to get noticed more
(Optional)What is your biggest dream? to get big on youtube and meeting up with subscribers when i hit certain subs and also if i was in a place tweeting out come here to do a meet up and seeing everybody
What kind of channel do you run?: Gaming and when i get bigger some vloging will be done mostly gaming
What kind of content do you upload? Gaming for now
When do you upload?: Also every day it depends if i work over time then i have no time but mostly every day
Channel link: