Hello everyone, Im Crispy!
Im just a dude who wants to become a popular and successful youtuber, i want to entertain people!
Id love if you checked out my youtube or twitch, id really appreciate a follow on those, and check out my twitter! Id love to meet some of you guys!
Twitch- www.twitch.tv/clutchcrispy
Youtube- http://bit.ly/2fdCuyU
Twitter- twitter.com/clutchcrispyy
Im just a dude who wants to become a popular and successful youtuber, i want to entertain people!
Id love if you checked out my youtube or twitch, id really appreciate a follow on those, and check out my twitter! Id love to meet some of you guys!
Twitch- www.twitch.tv/clutchcrispy
Youtube- http://bit.ly/2fdCuyU
Twitter- twitter.com/clutchcrispyy