
zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
Unfortunately you are very unlikely to get even the most generous of people on this forum to donate money to a person they don't know in order for them to get a game. Also please note that asking for money / donations for yourself isn't allowed on the forums. As for not having a job you could always see if there are any paper rounds in your area that you can do or odd jobs in the community, such as washing cars, doing gardening work that could all help you save up money. Failing that you could always ask a parent / guardian to get it for you


New User
Freedom! Member
Oct 16, 2016
Splinter in the hand
There's some jobs you can get, it just depends on what you look for. Paper routes is a good start, or mow lawns, rake leafs, help elderly do things, there's a lot a 14 year old can do. You just gotta look! Hope this helps ya out (y) (Y)


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Oct 25, 2016
Unfortunately you are very unlikely to get even the most generous of people on this forum to donate money to a person they don't know in order for them to get a game. Also please note that asking for money / donations for yourself isn't allowed on the forums. As for not having a job you could always see if there are any paper rounds in your area that you can do or odd jobs in the community, such as washing cars, doing gardening work that could all help you save up money. Failing that you could always ask a parent / guardian to get it for you

There's some jobs you can get, it just depends on what you look for. Paper routes is a good start, or mow lawns, rake leafs, help elderly do things, there's a lot a 14 year old can do. You just gotta look! Hope this helps ya out (y) (Y)

Thanks guys, maybe I'll find something.

Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
Your only option is to use that $20 for something else, unless there's some secret millionaire on here who has never shown his face to anyone ever then I'd guess there's no chance.
Alternatively, you could earn it, either by getting a short low-effort job like a paper route, or by expanding your horizons on YouTube by making unique content.