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Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 29, 2015
The best way to improve your content is to just gain experience. You'll naturally get better at making content over time. Another way to get better is watch other Youtubers. As stupid as it sounds, I think the best way to improve is to just see what big youtubers do best and apply it to my videos. Obviously, you don't want to copy someone else, that's frowned upon in the Youtube community. But just analyze what other Youtubers do well.

For example, imagine you're watching one of your favorite youtuber's videos. Why did you click on THAT video? Was it the title? The thumbnail? Is it because you've been subbed to him/her a long time? Etc. Then while you're watching the actual video, think about what keeps you from clicking off of the video. Why do you find them entertaining? Is it the storyline of a game they're playing? Is it their personality? Is it their commentary? It could be a number of different things, but those are just examples. Do this while watching a couple videos from different Youtubers and you can see what makes their videos good. Then, you can try applying these things to your videos (without copying them COMPLETELY). Of course, you want to be yourself as much as possible, but you want to be the best version of yourself. Hope that helps :)
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