Gaming Hello from Down under!


New User
Mar 1, 2016
Hello, my name is Joey. I am from Queensland, Australia. I am 23 years of age, and I found freedom just browsing Youtube one day.
Joined the forums to say hello and introduce myself to my fellow peers and hope we can all grow together and make our dreams reality.
My favourite food is chicken parmigiana :D.
I joined youtube when I first started playing the original DayZmod, I met my friends on their whom I've now gamed with for years, met them IRL and created relationships. Gaming is my passion, to be able to share moments of absolute amazement with people is an unappreciated gift content creators have.
My dream is to become a Youtuber worthy of his subscribers, to make people laugh, learn and appreciate what gaming has and continues to do in our lives.
I run my own Gaming channel, with some tutorials on various things I play. Mostly, I just want to create high quality videos, and show people how good games are, if they are worth buying or playing etc.
My content is mostly from DayZ related things, I also find other games people might be interested in, I play a lot of Rocket League, League of Legends, Star Citizen, Arma 3 (Mods too), Battlefield and Counter Strike.

Due to my casual job, I haven't been able to upload as much as I like, that being said - I would like to be able to upload at least 3 times a week to start with.

Here is my channel:

Thank you very much for your time, I hope you guys are having a great day/night wherever you may be. Very much looking forward to all of the good times we can have! Thanks!



Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
hey , welcome to Freedom , I hope you enjoy your stay and if you need any help just ask :)


Proud Nerd & YouTuber
Freedom! Member
Hello, my name is Joey. I am from Queensland, Australia. I am 23 years of age, and I found freedom just browsing Youtube one day.
Joined the forums to say hello and introduce myself to my fellow peers and hope we can all grow together and make our dreams reality.
My favourite food is chicken parmigiana :D.
I joined youtube when I first started playing the original DayZmod, I met my friends on their whom I've now gamed with for years, met them IRL and created relationships. Gaming is my passion, to be able to share moments of absolute amazement with people is an unappreciated gift content creators have.
My dream is to become a Youtuber worthy of his subscribers, to make people laugh, learn and appreciate what gaming has and continues to do in our lives.
I run my own Gaming channel, with some tutorials on various things I play. Mostly, I just want to create high quality videos, and show people how good games are, if they are worth buying or playing etc.
My content is mostly from DayZ related things, I also find other games people might be interested in, I play a lot of Rocket League, League of Legends, Star Citizen, Arma 3 (Mods too), Battlefield and Counter Strike.

Due to my casual job, I haven't been able to upload as much as I like, that being said - I would like to be able to upload at least 3 times a week to start with.

Here is my channel:

Thank you very much for your time, I hope you guys are having a great day/night wherever you may be. Very much looking forward to all of the good times we can have! Thanks!

Welcome to the forums, lots of cool info and yes, anything with chicken is GOOD :D