YouTube Gaining Subs


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Feb 18, 2017
In the last year I have gained 0 subscribers and lost 2. I've gone from 138 to 136. Why is this happening. I'm not posting as frequently as I'd like but I still post every week. I did have some burnout where I went without posting for a month or two but I still don't know why this is. I can't post that often because I'm in an exam year in school and alot of my time is taken up with homework and study. Any ideas? Another reason I don't post as often is because I don't get time to edit and get stuck with 3 videos that are un-edited.


Mythic User
Gaming is probably one of the hardest areas to grow in, so if you are getting any views that's still an achievement. The best ways to grow a gaming channel is through trending/popular games and creating tutorial for things that people may be searching for on YouTube.