Dashboard Freedom! Revenue Page Suggestion


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Oct 26, 2017
I propose that the Freedom! Dashboard is updated to include our revenue in local currencies. Share your views!
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Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
I'm kinda against doing this, mainly as it'd have to be clearly communicated that the calculated values are not final and there you have my main point. To me the Freedom! Dashboard shows the final earnings and exactly what you'll be paid. Conversion rates would greatly mess with that.

But LW, it's not that much of a problem, it'll still be accurate.
Of course it'd show accurate information - that would require changing twice a day. Thing is you still get paid in USD. Now if you get shown that you'll get 5€ but you get 5.24$ the next day it's a good thing and you'll get it. Though if it shows you'll get 7 of your currency but you get 5$ the next day support will have a ticket in 90% of cases asking where that 2$ disappeared to.

But LW, it's just going to be a setting, if you don't want to show your own currency you can still show dollars
Yes, though I'm personally against allowing the user to change settings since I started doing actual software development. Why? It's a pain in the backside to find someone's actual problem unless you know every configuration they've set. Also at the rate most people check their Dashboards they'll have forgotten they've set that and support has a ticket again.

But LW, ignore those two weak points, isn't it a great feature anyways?
Eh. It's a good idea and could be added though it'll be unclear however I put it in my brain. Currency information changes every second (in the business world twice a day) and the thing I hate the most about the internet is outdated, wrong information placed somewhere used to obtain clear information otherwise. If you feel like getting a halfway decent estimate on your earnings, Google the conversion rate between your currency and USD and calculate an estimate by that. While a calculator would be cool, putting it onto the dashboard would make it official and make Freedom! responsible for the accuracy of this information.

People have opinions, that's mine and I'll be following this thread around to see what others think of it, it's an interesting topic to bring to the table though.
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zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
While I wouldn't be against Freedom creating some kind of conversion calculator - for people to work out their revenue in another currency (subject to changing conversion rates of course) it would be a little counter productive especially as Freedom makes note several times in the contract that revenue will be paid in USD, and everything would be displayed in USD


Mythic User
I would like to see something like this, the only problem is how often currency changes and as said above people may see this as they are getting paid in their own currency. If people see they are getting paid 5 pounds then when they convert they end up getting paid 4.95 pounds because of a change in conversion rate I can see a lot of people complaining. Probably best to keep it simple although I can this through to management and see what they think.

Thanks for your suggestion @390Trains, we are always looking for ways to improve the network so if you have any other ideas let us know :)