

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 11, 2016
I just wanted to know how long on average some people spend during the editing process for their videos, and if you happen to have any cool tips on just editing in general, please let me know!

Thanks in advance,
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Hail Kira

Game Show Host
Freedom! Member
Feb 5, 2014
British Columbia
I make varied content, some of which take hours and hours to produce, some of which is very quick to produce.

I need both to keep my channel active cause I dont have time to crank out high quality all the time...

Its not like its my job XD

As for tips... keep all your videos and footage organized. There will be alot of it after a while, and its really nice when its organized and easy to find stuff. And if you have an awesome moment or some other kinda funny moment, export a short clip of it to a folder to make a compilation or something later with your "best" moments...


New User
Freedom! Member
Agreed, Hail Kira.
I have a system where I record the audio to my recording sessions in Audacity, then export the resulting file titled as the name of the episode (make sense, I know...) If I have to record additional audio, I use the same format, with the addition of a letter (ie, A, B, C....) this helps me in importing in the correct chronological order, also if I need to match up with the video I can use the file save date (all my video is auto titled with just the date)
I've had many a mess up in the early days trying to match all the right footage together...great fun...not!

I use all Adobe programs for the edit process (Audition/Premiere Pro/After effects), I am predominantly a gaming channel and some of my videos are pretty linear in terms of editing, ie, one thing comes after another, but I also have more complex series, where there can be multiple instances of a clip, and often upwards of 300+ total edits in a 15-20 minute video, which then requires exporting to a DAW for audio mastering.
In the early days/months it could take me upwards of 3/4 hours to edit down maybe an hour or more of footage into a 15-20 episode, but now its much closer to real time, ie: an hour of footage will take me around an hour to edit.

Two reasons for this.
Not only, of course, do you get better at using the editing software the more you use it, but a massive time saver is in the actual recording of the raw footage (for me). I remember when I first started filming in the early days, I would often ramble, cough, sneeze, swear, belch, re-say stuff, um and er all the time....this was a nightmare to edit, as I actually had to listen to what i was saying multiple times to ensure that it made sense, but now I "self edit" when recording, which makes it a breeze when editing.

I've probably gone on too long about unrelated stuff here.
I Just wanted to add my little bit, hope it helps.
For me, one of my favourite things about producing content is the whole editing process, I have always, even when I was little, found it all fascinating, so to be able to do it for myself is wonderful...the fact that one or two others seem to enjoy watching the resultant product fill me with massive joy.

As time goes on, you'll get better at editing and it will be much quicker, but I think it's important you don't burn yourself out "slaving" over an edit, if you start to get tired of an edit or frustrated it's taking too long, save it and do something else for a bit, it'll still be there in a few hours or days, and your viewers will be too, but if you push on, you run the risk of making mistakes or not producing your best work.
Your video will hopefully be on YouTube for years and years to come, if it takes an extra couple of days before you publish, does it matter so much?

I have done all the things I have said not to do, but occasionally i go back and watch my early stuff and it's awful!
There was even a period where even if i just watched a video from a few weeks previous, I could see the difference in terms of quality...

Sorry...going on again...I'll leave it there!

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Olivea Sea

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
I just wanted to know how long on average some people spend during the editing process for their videos, and if you happen to have any cool tips on just editing in general, please let me know!

Thanks in advance,

It takes me about an 30 min up to an hour and I try to do it routinly.
Also depens on how much I need to cut out that day :cool:

(Using Final Cut Pro)
- Delete unwanted footage parts.
- Check if they the cuts in the video are still making the video flow
- Make a compound clip for edditing sound and collourcorrection ( I save my colour corrections as a preset for faster editing.)
- Add the Intro, Outro & any popping up stuff during ( I tend to have this stuff premade in my library)
- Background music sellection/tweaking
- Watch it a 1 million times before upload.


I'm getting faster and faster because I'm starting to film more efficiently every time!
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Respected User
Freedom! Member
Apr 17, 2016
Sometimes for my more vloggy style videos it will take me 15-20 minutes, but other times I have taken an hour or two to complete everything. I second the organization tip. Organization makes everything easier.
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Hail Kira

Game Show Host
Freedom! Member
Feb 5, 2014
British Columbia
It takes me about an 30 min up to an hour and I try to do it routinly.
Also depens on how much I need to cut out that day :cool:

(Using Final Cut Pro)
- Delete unwanted footage parts.
- Check if they the cuts in the video are still making the video flow
- Make a compound clip for edditing sound and collourcorrection ( I save my colour corrections as a preset for faster editing.)
- Add the Intro, Outro & any popping up stuff during ( I tend to have this stuff premade in my library)
- Background music sellection/tweaking
- Watch it a 1 million times before upload.


I'm getting faster and faster because I'm starting to film more efficiently every time!
Hahaha I like how you said watch it a million times before upload. Sometimes it seems like that for sure hahaha. Sometimes I even download the youtube version onto my phone after its uploaded so i can see what it sounds like for mobile users
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Olivea Sea

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Hahaha I like how you said watch it a million times before upload. Sometimes it seems like that for sure hahaha. Sometimes I even download the youtube version onto my phone after its uploaded so i can see what it sounds like for mobile users

I've learned that at some point I just have to stop because I'm very perfectionistic.... mainly with sound, it can annoy me so much when something is off a buzz a grain or humm :p Ohh well luckily I just got a new mic in that I'm dying to try out!


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Apr 18, 2016
To be honest, it depends on how cooperative my editing program is. I have Lightworks, which is great, except my laptop can barely handle it, and random problems pop up that can either be fixed in a matter of minutes or not at all and cause me to have to start over.. The least amount of time is probably a couple of hours (with small breaks) to a couple of days (when crap goes wrong..) Luckily, I try to get my editing done way ahead of time so that these problems don't cause late uploads.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 11, 2016
To be honest, it depends on how cooperative my editing program is. I have Lightworks, which is great, except my laptop can barely handle it, and random problems pop up that can either be fixed in a matter of minutes or not at all and cause me to have to start over.. The least amount of time is probably a couple of hours (with small breaks) to a couple of days (when crap goes wrong..) Luckily, I try to get my editing done way ahead of time so that these problems don't cause late uploads.

I have never used Lightworks, so you'd say that it's good?


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 11, 2016
I've learned that at some point I just have to stop because I'm very perfectionistic.... mainly with sound, it can annoy me so much when something is off a buzz a grain or humm :p Ohh well luckily I just got a new mic in that I'm dying to try out!
Hahah, so true, thanks for the reply :D


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 11, 2016
Agreed, Hail Kira.
I have a system where I record the audio to my recording sessions in Audacity, then export the resulting file titled as the name of the episode (make sense, I know...) If I have to record additional audio, I use the same format, with the addition of a letter (ie, A, B, C....) this helps me in importing in the correct chronological order, also if I need to match up with the video I can use the file save date (all my video is auto titled with just the date)
I've had many a mess up in the early days trying to match all the right footage together...great fun...not!

I use all Adobe programs for the edit process (Audition/Premiere Pro/After effects), I am predominantly a gaming channel and some of my videos are pretty linear in terms of editing, ie, one thing comes after another, but I also have more complex series, where there can be multiple instances of a clip, and often upwards of 300+ total edits in a 15-20 minute video, which then requires exporting to a DAW for audio mastering.
In the early days/months it could take me upwards of 3/4 hours to edit down maybe an hour or more of footage into a 15-20 episode, but now its much closer to real time, ie: an hour of footage will take me around an hour to edit.

Two reasons for this.
Not only, of course, do you get better at using the editing software the more you use it, but a massive time saver is in the actual recording of the raw footage (for me). I remember when I first started filming in the early days, I would often ramble, cough, sneeze, swear, belch, re-say stuff, um and er all the time....this was a nightmare to edit, as I actually had to listen to what i was saying multiple times to ensure that it made sense, but now I "self edit" when recording, which makes it a breeze when editing.

I've probably gone on too long about unrelated stuff here.
I Just wanted to add my little bit, hope it helps.
For me, one of my favourite things about producing content is the whole editing process, I have always, even when I was little, found it all fascinating, so to be able to do it for myself is wonderful...the fact that one or two others seem to enjoy watching the resultant product fill me with massive joy.

As time goes on, you'll get better at editing and it will be much quicker, but I think it's important you don't burn yourself out "slaving" over an edit, if you start to get tired of an edit or frustrated it's taking too long, save it and do something else for a bit, it'll still be there in a few hours or days, and your viewers will be too, but if you push on, you run the risk of making mistakes or not producing your best work.
Your video will hopefully be on YouTube for years and years to come, if it takes an extra couple of days before you publish, does it matter so much?

I have done all the things I have said not to do, but occasionally i go back and watch my early stuff and it's awful!
There was even a period where even if i just watched a video from a few weeks previous, I could see the difference in terms of quality...

Sorry...going on again...I'll leave it there!

Thanks for that man, didn't expect such a long reply haha. But on the topic of trying to "self edit" that is probably the best thing to do, I guess in a way to like pretend that what you're doing is a Livestream or something, and in doing that it makes editing much easier!
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Active Member
Freedom! Member
Apr 27, 2016
My editing mostly takes me from a half an hour to an hour. Sometimes even more. I try to make my videos not to long. But the more footage you have the more editing you'll have to do.


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Apr 18, 2016
I have never used Lightworks, so you'd say that it's good?
I've only ever used two video editing programs: Windows Movie Maker and Lightworks. To compare both of those, Lightworks is much better. It's a bit of a learning curve since even trimming is done in a completely different way, but when it comes to tasks you use repeatedly like trimming, you get used to it pretty quickly. There's tons of video tutorials, too.
Lightworks can do much more, though, in terms of effects. The main reasons I wanted it was because Movie Maker kept crashing on me and because I wanted to be able to overlay another video for the end of my videos.

Just make sure your laptop can handle it. Lightworks is on the verge of being too much for my laptop (my laptop is super old, though) and it still runs but can cause random problems sometimes.

Rival Dojo

New User
Freedom! Member
Sep 27, 2015
I use Premiere Pro for editing, but when I first started I used Windows Movie Maker. Generally it takes me about 30-45 minutes to do up an episode. Of course, I try to put in extra edits where I can so that can add more time.
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New User
Freedom! Member
Thanks for that man, didn't expect such a long reply haha. But on the topic of trying to "self edit" that is probably the best thing to do, I guess in a way to like pretend that what you're doing is a Livestream or something, and in doing that it makes editing much easier!

No Problem, dude!.
That's basically how I roll nowadays, I treat from pressing record to ending as all "usable" footage. That's something I want to do more of though, live streaming. I'm just dubious about the starting of the stream and controlling it, I don't want to spam people with loads of "started streaming, stopped started blah blah lol. The actual streaming bit is a doddle.


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jun 4, 2014
I make Game Development tutorials. Editing a video, for me, can take anywhere between a few hours to a few days. Couple of reasons for that.
1. I like to trim the video as much as possible. That means not only do I remove mistakes, but I also remove short gaps like random pauses, breathing, etc. The result is that the video is not that long, and the content is better quality (no unwanted gaps).
2. I make a lot of mistakes, so I often end up having to repeat the sentence or process. So all those mistakes have to be edited out.
3. Trimming clips is a very repetitive process and can become very boring if you do it for a long time at a stretch (especially when you have so much to trim), so I often have to pause and take a break, and come back to editing a little later.
The length of the editing process also depends on how long the tutorial itself is. Some tutorials are long, some are short.