Not an attack I swear.
Just I see so many people trying to make it on YouTube and failing, probably because their content is poor.
I'm talking about poorly made thumbnails, generic intros that are just free templates ripped from random websites, crackly mics etc etc.
I'm just wondering if people even put time into their videos anymore or if they just play, upload, play, upload, without even thinking about the content they're making or even having fun with it anymore.
I'm quite proud of my channel in the sense of how I've made my introduction, my logo, my outro all by myself and I worked a lot of hours on each one to try and stand out from the crowd.
I'd like to hear your guys thoughts on what you think in regards to poorly made channels, and to offer tips to channels that could use some help.
My tip would probably be: be original + professional!! So don't recycle generic templates, don't use cheesy dubstep in your intros, spend longer than five minutes on a thumbnail, don't use MS paint to create your thumnails. Just really think about your content and think about how your content reflects your personality. Do you want to be known for your lack of creativity/talent? Or be known as a person who strives for perfection.
It totally seems like an attack on these channels but it's not, it is honestly trying to help and I want to know what other people think about these channels too.
Just I see so many people trying to make it on YouTube and failing, probably because their content is poor.
I'm talking about poorly made thumbnails, generic intros that are just free templates ripped from random websites, crackly mics etc etc.
I'm just wondering if people even put time into their videos anymore or if they just play, upload, play, upload, without even thinking about the content they're making or even having fun with it anymore.
I'm quite proud of my channel in the sense of how I've made my introduction, my logo, my outro all by myself and I worked a lot of hours on each one to try and stand out from the crowd.
I'd like to hear your guys thoughts on what you think in regards to poorly made channels, and to offer tips to channels that could use some help.
My tip would probably be: be original + professional!! So don't recycle generic templates, don't use cheesy dubstep in your intros, spend longer than five minutes on a thumbnail, don't use MS paint to create your thumnails. Just really think about your content and think about how your content reflects your personality. Do you want to be known for your lack of creativity/talent? Or be known as a person who strives for perfection.
It totally seems like an attack on these channels but it's not, it is honestly trying to help and I want to know what other people think about these channels too.