Solved Channel Growth

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New User
Jun 2, 2016
Hello, I was just wondering what exactly does freedom! do to help my channel grow? I've been wondering because well I dont see my channel growing at all for these past weeks, I just want to know how freedom! helps me grow in any way.

What exactly can help me grow my channel? If you can tell me and answer my questions I would gladly appreciate it.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 3, 2016
First of all Welcome to freedom! Newbewlah, i just want to inform you from my knowledge of being with this partnership for over a couple months they can really help you grow!

They give you items such as "Epedemic sounds" to give you thousands of free music that is copyrighted. You can find this free music under your shiny freedom dashboard under 'Music'

Also free games like "8 bit boy" which you can also find on your dashboard labeled under 'Sponsorship reviews"

If you watch the George show on freedom you may realize that he does a channel review here and there to show off and promote your channels, check that out as well!

Many things like 'Free music' and 'Free games' can help you along with help from our communty can help you grow! i hope this helped!

One last tip if you wanna grow is i would recomend asking for a channel overview! you can do this in your page by going to Fourms under Community reviews or clicking this link below

keep this in mind though youtube is a long process your not going to go from 0 subs to 100 in secounds it will take a couple months sometimes years for people to notice you because of the billions of youtubers right now
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Respected User
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2015
Use the tools they offer to your advantage. Watch all the tip videos, create a schedule and target audience, and then watch the numbers roll in
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