heal please heal
heal please heal gaming
stardewstardewcommentarystardew valley
stardew valley commentarystardew valley gameplay
stardew valley let's play
The coop has finally finished and all we need now is a chicken... though Marnie's inability to sell one is pissing us off and the hunt... or creep for Marnie begins!
As our time in Stardew Valley continues, we begin to think up strange things that the residence like... and frankly, Haley's just one of those gross people who like the most oddest things around... At least that's what I think.
Gotta love calling others by the wrong name. Let's just say I confuse Clint for Glunter... and frankly, i'm sticking to my choice.
Back at it again in Stardew Valley. Sorry for not uploading any as of late. I've been fighting a cold.