Please do comment below or on the actual video what would you do if you got 1 million!
would you quit your job, continue, take a hoilday?
what would you do if it was a million sheep!
Test money fanning 3D animation Maya 2018
tried to do test animations of the Victorian Gothic style women sitting down but the clothing just wants to expose her panties have the time with it flying above her head!
Please do comment below or on the actual video a time you accidentally exposed more then attended eg walking out your...
Please do comment below or on the actual video if you had to offer a blood sacrifice what wish would it be for and why, or who or what would you sacrifice? ^^
Made a 3D corset and Gothic blood red Victorian inspired dress speedpaint texturing for a animation.
please do comment below or on actual video if you ever broke a bone or something went so wrong you cant fix it and to just start again! XD
tried rigging a 3D dress, it didn't go as planned,...
please do comment below or on actual video your tale of the wardrobe malfunction or what you've seen on other people!
there was a little ,... malfunction while testing out a Ncloth clothing simulation on one of my 3D characters for Thesis animation D : XD
This was one of the Ncloth tests to see how the dress flowed with the body. Many tests to come for 3D animation in summer. D : XD
please do comment below or in the actual video what type of fashion or clothes you hate!
Please do comment below or on the video what is your dream wedding or what you think the most important element of it is to you! ^^
Wedding Fayre or is it wedding fair. Colwick hall hotel mini walkabouts, an owl, wedding cake and view of wedding dresses, free goodie bay unboxing ^^