channel revamp

  1. Jonathan

    GFX Misc Photographer Channel Revamp 25/05/2017 (Avatar Fix)

    Font Used: Other C.R.I.B Resources Used in the revamp; Social Icons Pack: Rounded Thumbnail Corners: You can edit the text in Photoshop...
  2. Jonathan

    Music Channel Revamp 07/05/0217 (Creation)

    Font used: You can edit the text in Photoshop to your liking, I'm personally not a user of Photoshop so that's why this isn't amazing. You are free to use this on your channels.
  3. Zenanov

    Service Doing Cheap Graphics.

    What's up guys this is Zenanov here, and today I am happy to announce that I am doing some paid graphics :) I am an experienced Graphic Designer, but I have never sold anything ;) If you worry about scam you can pay me after design, I will show you your design with watermark :) Also to tell I...